Department branding activities
Faculty members, Engineering Students
Resource person:
Mr. Suresh Barola
Head Operations – Barola Technologies, Chennai
Mode of conduction:
Virtual platform
Date and Time of conduction:
21.01.2022 & 2.00 p.m
No. of participants:
60 students
- To get detailed knowledge about the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or drones emerging technology.
- To get knowledge about the drones benefits in various emerging technologies of artificial intelligence, machine mearing, drone tech, wearable tech, internet of things and image processing.
- To get an more idea about the applications of drones in health care, industrial bots, swarm bots, Machine learning based facial recognition using image processing.
- Introduction about the drones and its working principle
- Recent emerging technologies of artificial intelligence, machine mearing, drone tech, wearable tech, internet of things and image processing and its applications is explained in practical manner.
- Applications related videos of drones in health care, industrial bots, swarm bots, Machine learning based facial recognition using image processing has been visualized to all.
- Finally, interact with students to understand about their views in this particular topic.
- At the end this webinar students should have a basic understanding of the tools used in the drone emerging technology.
- They can able to apply their own idea to develop some projects related to interdisciplinary i.e using drone applications in electrical.
Feedback from the speaker:
Speaker has extremely happy to deliver his experience in this particular topic and said students has given full support and enjoy his session.
Participants feedback rating:5