Department of English and Foreign Languages

About the Institution

SRM College of Engineering and Technology (formerly known as SRM University) is one of the top- ranking universities in India with over 20,000 students and 1,500 faculties, offering a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in Engineering, Management, Medicine and Health sciences, Science and Humanities. It has been accredited by NAAC with the Highest ‘A++’ Grade in the year 2018, valid for the next 5 years. The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Department of Higher Education, Government of India, has placed SRM in highest Category ‘A’.


To emerge as a World – Class University in creating and disseminating knowledge, and providing students a unique learning experience in science, technology, medicine, management and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the world and mankind.


MOVE UP through international alliances and collaborative initiatives to achieve global excellence.

ACCOMPLISH A PROCESS to advance knowledge in a rigorous academic and research environment.

ATTRACT AND BUILD PEOPLE in a rewarding and inspiring environment by fostering freedom, empowerment, creativity and innovation.

About the Department of English and Foreign Languages

The Department of English, established in the year 2004, was later extended to include other foreign languages such as French, Japanese and German. The department comprises of 14 staff members catering to the students of Engineering & Technology. The department envisions moulding every student to reach a level of fluency in English which is adequate enough to meet out the global standards needed for coveted assignments.

The students have the unique opportunity of learning any one of the foreign languages, French, German or Japanese, a rare privilege which gives them the right exposure to meet the industry demand especially in the multi-national companies.

The Faculty members are devoted to the preparation of students to help them gracefully step into the job scenario. There is a medley of innovative clubs under the umbrella of the department.

The Department foresees in advance the growing demand for the good command of English in the era of global competition, and prepares the students in all the four communicative skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing – of the English language.


The Faculty members constantly publish papers in UGC approved journals and participate in National and International Conferences and Seminars related to the subject and their area of research. The teachers have also authored articles which have been published in books and conference proceedings. In addition, there are about three research Supervisors who are guiding about 9 research scholars.

The foreign language faculty participates in the workshops, seminars and guest lectures organized by various agencies part from the lectures held in the Campus. The Faculty members have a closer interaction with the industry, and also with the natives who visit our part of the country.


Dr. V. Rema,
Professor and Head,
Department of English and  Foreign Languages (EFL),
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram.
Mob. No. : 9884029266