ECO Club

Eco club aims to promote, monitor and operate the environmental activities of the college and neighborhood communities for the sound environmental behavior.

Action Plan

Ecoclub is a forum empowering the students community to participate and take up meaningful environmental activities.

  • Increasing the Green Cover of College Surroundings.
  • Rain Water Harvesting Projects.
  • Waste to Wealth
  • Energy Auditing of the College complex & surroundings.
  • Let’s Go Green – Awareness Campaign.
  • Let’s talk the language of “Nature” – Talks & Seminars.
  • Paper Presentation Programs.
  • Stride with the Wind – Nature Camps.
  • Disaster Management Programs.

Benefit to the student communities

Eco club is one of the major initiatives of SRMIST, Ramapuram for creating Environmental awareness amidst younger generation. It aims at building young cadres in working towards environmental conservation and sustainable development.

  • Eco club organizes, rallies and marches human chains at public places with a vision to spread environmental awareness.
  • Eco club will take up activities like tree plantation, Cleanliness drives both within and outside of the college campus. Case studies will also be considered in near future for the usage of eco-friendly products and energy conservation
  • Eco club will also promote Eco-Friendly practices like non-chemical pest management and use of renewable energy for meeting local needs.

ECO Club Activities