For the students of EEE, the programme curriculum provides various training for placement from the first year onwards. Placement oriented subjects including Personality Development Skills, Career Development Skills are offered.

Value Added Courses are offered in every year for four years, focussing on software oriented subjects, including C and C++, Python programming, HTML and SCADA and PLC.

The salient features of placement related trainings and activities are highlighted below:

  • Career counselling though the mentors to the students.
  • Mock interviews through the trainers, alumni and mentors.
  • Aptitude questions training and Online tests from the reputed companies.
  • To help the candidates in writing resume.
  • Intense placement training in 7th semester
  • Alumni interactions with the students to know about company expectations and sharing experience.
  • Industrial visits in core companies including transformers, relays, circuit breakers, power electronics devices etc.,
  • MoU with training companies to provide placement guidance
  • Frequent Alumni activities to motivate the budding engineers
  • New technology subjects including smart grid, micro grid, electric vehicles and IoT.

Placement 2024-2025