National Mathematics Day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan. It is celebrated across the nation to acknowledge the contributions and excellence of Ramanujan in the field of Mathematics.
As Ramanujan has majorly contributed in explaining the analytical theory of numbers, the department of Mathematics has organized Expert Talks on “Number Theory and its Applications” as part of Ramanujan Day on 22.12.2021 & 23.12.2021.
Dean E&T in his felicitation address, said that the National Mathematics Day on Ramanujans birthday is not just a tribute to his achievements but also a way to keep his legacy alive and inspire the coming generations of Mathematicians from the country.
DAY -1
Date & Time:
22nd December
02.00 PM IST
Resource Person:
Prof. Martin Milanic
Faculty of Mathematics,
Natural Sciences and
Information Technologies,
University of Primorska,
Koper, Slovania.
On CIS Circulants
Prof. Martin Milanic started the session with Circulant Graphs and explained about the classes of circulants in the literature. He defined cliques, stable sets, CIS graphs, bull graph, complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs and the operations which preserve CIS property. He explained the classes of CIS graphs with examples. He explained about CIS d- graphs and its applications in combinatorial game theory. Further he explained about Vertex -transitive CIS graphs, Paired Circulants, 2-Paired Circulants and its open problems for research.
DAY -2
Date & Time:
23rd December
02.30 PM IST
Resource Person:
Prof. Xiao-Jun Yang
College of Mathematics,
China University of Mining and Technology,
Xuzhou, China.
“On Nontrivial Zeros for the Ramanujan Zeta Function”
Prof. Xiao-Jun Yang started the session with power series expansion for the entire Ramanujan Zeta function along with the work of Model. He detailed about integral, product representations and functional equations and theorems for the entire Ramanujan Zeta Function and about Hardy hypothesis. He concluded the lecture with open problems of the work.
More than 150 faculty members and research scholars from all over the world participated in the program. It has opened new avenues for the participants to explore.