Greetings from the department of mechanical engineering, SRM Institute of science and technology, Ramapuram. On behalf of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, We are conducting an  drawing/painting competition titled DREAM O’ PAINT V2.0  Paint with professional touch Eligible students: HSC,Diploma and UG Students The purpose of this event is to create an awareness among the…


Greetings from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRMIST,Ramapuram,Chennai It gives us immense pleasure to welcome you all for the Webinar on “REINVENT YOURSELF” Speaker:  Dr.KARTHIYA BANU, MCA, M.Phil, Ph.D.            Entrepreneur/ Educator / Counsellor / Mentor / Soft Skill / content Developer, Founder & CEO, Inspire Softtech Solution, Chennai, Date:June 17th,…


Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRMIST, Ramapuram Organizing  a  webinar on MECHANICAL PREMIER LEAGUE (MPL)  DATE:09/06/2021 Events under Red theme:   Blog writing  Vlog  ️Freestyle Dancing  ️Independent Music  5 mins craft  Social Activity  More exciting events are on track with different themes in this league. Overall winner and runner under each theme of the league will…

French Music Festival Poster Competition

FÊTE DE LA MUSIQUE 2021 (FRENCH MUSIC FESTIVAL)   CONCOURS D’AFFICHE SUR LA FÊTE DE LA MUSIQUE   POSTER COMPETITION (On any theme relevant to the French Music Festival)   For Higher Secondary and Diploma students   21.06.2021 (submissions accepted till 11.59 pm)   Rules Posters can be hand-made (and scanned) or digitally designed with…


SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Ramapuram campus, Chennai-89 Faculty of Engineering and Technology Department of Chemistry Organized Chem Facts ONLINE CHEMISTRY QUIZ – 2021 Report (28.05.2021) The Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus Organized an online Quiz Programme on “CHEM FACTS” during 23.05.2021 to 28.05.2021.The participants are Higher secondary…

RRB : Guidance for diploma holders

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted an important webinar to guide the polytechnic-diploma students on the Railway Recruitment Board – RRB aspects. The ONLINE webinar titled “RRB Guidance for diploma holders” was organized on 2nd June 2021. The learning outcomes of the events are to educate the diploma holders who are in final year…

International Webinar on ” IOT IN ELECTRICAL POWER INDUSTRY “,Series of International Talks on “Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 in Electrical Engineering”- IIIEE

SRM Institute of Science and Technology Faculty of Engineering and Technology Ramapuram, Chennai – 600 089 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering        Resource persons   Dr. Arunachalan Sundaram Professor, Jubail Industrial College, Kingdom of Saudhi Arabia DATES:  June 16,2021        TIMING: 1.30 PM TO 3.30 PM Convener Dr.K.N.Srinivas Professor & Head…

International Talk on IoT in Industry 4.0 in Electrical Engineering

SRM Institute of Science and Technology Faculty of Engineering and Technology Ramapuram, Chennai – 600 089 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Date:05-05-2021             The department of EEE at SRM IST Ramapuram Campus, for the benefit of school students, polytechnics students and budding engineers organized an online webinar on introductory topics of Industry 4.0…

International Talk on IoT in Energy Management Systems

SRM Institute of Science and Technology Faculty of Engineering and Technology Ramapuram, Chennai – 600 089 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering The department of EEE at SRM IST Ramapuram Campus, for the benefit of school students, polytechnics students and budding engineers organized an online webinar on introductory topics if Internet of Things, IOT. This…