Workshop on Smart Materials
The Department of Physics has organized “Workshop on smart Materials” on 24-06-2021 (Thursday) for 11th ,12th and Diploma Students.
The Workshop started with a warm welcome address by Dr. L. Sudha, Professor and Head, Department of Physics and also Convener of the Workshop.
In the first session, Dr. L. Sudha, Professor and Head, Department of Physics has delivered lecture on the topic” Insight of futuristic Materials” and elaborated the recent futuristic materials and its application in multidisciplinary field.
In the second session, Dr. M.Saravanan, Assistant Professor(S.G) has delivered detailed lecture on the topic “Metallic Glasses and Shape Memory Alloys”. He discussed about recent developments and applications of Metallic Glasses and Shape Memory Alloys in assorted fields.
Dr. M.Saravanan, Assistant Professor(O.G) has delivered lecture on the topic “Introduction to Nanomaterials” in the third session. He discussed about different nanomaterials and its applications in industry.
We received overwhelming registrations, 144 HSC and Diploma Students attended this workshop in Webex meet from all over India. The participants raised questions to the speakers and discussed about the topics. The sessions were very vibrant and participants gave very good feedback.
The session was convened and chaired by Dr. L. Sudha, Hod/Physics. Dr.M.Saravanan, Assistant Professor (S. G) and Coordinator of the workshop has proposed the Vote of Thanks.