Duration : 26th August 2023 , 10AM – 12PM
Mode : Offline
Venue : Programming Lab, 7th Floor, BMS – Block Participants : 57
Objective : To Train Interested Students in the field of Cybersecurity and Teaching fundamental concepts.

SRMIST, Ramapuram*
*CHAT Club- Department Of Information Technology*
Mr.Prince Bhardwaj (Final Year) along with Dr.R.Deeptha (AP/IT) had delivered the Welcome address.
Followed by an Insightful talk to the attendees by Mr.Prince Bhardwaj.
The Event was carried over by speaker Mr.G.Devanand Singan, he showed a demonstration of how OSINT(Reconnaissance phase of Hacking) is done using just simple information about the target, a tool called SHERLOCK on the KALI LINUX Operating System.
This was followed by speakers Mr.S.Dhinesh Kumar and Mr.Mohammed Shariq, delivered insightful talk on Various Cybersecurity concepts,practices,tools and many such practical applications.
Finally Carreer options and Vote of Thanks was delivered by Dr.R.Deeptha(AP/IT)
On the whole Students felt that the session is very much useful in selecting the Domain and helpful for their Carreer
The students who attended the Cyberthink event gives the feedback as the event is very useful to finds the advantages and scope in the Cybersecurity Field field.
Dr. Rajeswari Mukesh, Professor & HOD/IT, SRMIST, Ramapuram.
Faculty Coordinators Dr.R.Deeptha (AP/IT), SRMIST,Ramapuram.
Students Coordinators
Prince Bhardwaj (IT B/ IVth Year) – President CHAT G.Devanand Singan(IT B/IInd Year) – Secretary CHAT
S.Dhinesh Kumar(IT C/IIIrd Year) – Operations Team Head CHAT Mohammed Shariq(IT C/IIIrd Year)- Marketing Team Head CHAT

Hari Sudhan | 950070579 6 | RA231100802016 3 | 1st Yea r | IT- C | hs0508@srmist.edu.in | |
Shaurya Dawra | 817300642 8 | RA231100802001 2 | 1st Yea r | IT- A | sd2593@srmist.edu.in | |
S.VENKATRAMAN AN | 934577081 1 | RA231100800200 61 | 1st Yea r | IT- A | vs9076@srmist.edu.in | |
PRADEEPKUMAR K | 805600972 6 | RA231008020065 | 1st Yea r | IT- A | pradeephp0307@gmail.com | |
Jeyapriya R | 637404832 4 | RA231100802005 9 | 1st Yea r | IT- A | msdjp84@gmail.com | |
S.Ramya | 638378614 5 | RA231100802002 6 | 1st Yea r | IT- A | S.ramya8017@gmail.com |
Shrikumaran.V.V | 909425363 6 | RA231100802008 1 | 1st Yea r | IT- B | sk3387@srmist.edu.in | |
G.Mathalen Mesiya | 934227599 1 | RA231100802012 0 | 1st Yea r | IT- B | mesiyamathalen@gmail.com | |
YAHVI.S | 936301157 7 | RA231100802003 7 | 1st Yea r | IT- A | yahvisethuraman@gmail.com | |
R. Abrajithw | 638091494 9 | RA231100802007 5 | 1st Yea r | IT- B | abrajitha19@gmail.com | |
Kathirvel P | 730507727 0 | RA231100802001 0 | 1st Yea r | IT- A | kp4798@srmist.edu.in | |
Karthikeyan.A | 894609408 6 | RA231100802007 1 | 1st Yea r | IT- B | ka6152@srmist.edu.in | |
ARJUN R K | 978980316 1 | RA231100802013 0 | 1st Yea r | IT- B | arjunramprasad.2005@gmail.com | |
TUMMALAPALI NAGA VENKATA SAI VIBHU | 984879079 0 | RA231100802004 8 | 1st Yea r | IT- A | nt9527@srmist.edu.in | |
Ankita | 638302861 2 | RA231100802011 7 | 1st Yea r | IT- B | am2758@srmist.edu.in | |
Bownika | 902518885 4 | RA231100802013 3 | 1st Yea r | IT- C | bownikas@gmail.com | |
SUBASH R | 908097550 1 | RA221100802010 2 | 2nd yea r | IT- B | sr1348@srmist.edu.in | |
Rakesh | 801535979 5 | Ra231100802816 0 | 1st Yea r | IT- C | chebrolurakesh7155@gmail.com | |
Ramana SR | 880714667 7 | RA231100802014 9 | 1st Yea r | IT- C | rs8030@srmist.edu.in | |
Nivedha Rengaraj | 944551105 3 | RA211100802005 4 | 3rd yea r | IT- A | nr9673@srmist.edu.in | |
SANTOSH PANDA | 637986191 2 | RA211100802008 6 | 3rd yea r | IT- B | tp4165@srmist.edu.in | |
Sandeep. V | 994378620 6 | RA221100802009 2 | 2nd yea r | IT- B | vsandeep4747@gmail.com | |
A.R.Rajlakshmi | 790476356 1 | RA231100802010 7 | 1st Yea r | IT- B | Raji.ar1334@gmail.com |
Bijoy Karmakar | 700573779 4 | RA231102602016 6 | 1st Yea r | bijoykarmakar784@gmail.com | ||
Reshma.A | 866728991 6 | RA231100802010 3 | 1st Yea r | IT- B | reshmaanbu19@gmail.com | |
Shiyam K | 934569942 3 | RA231100802618 6 | 1st Yea r | IT- C | kathirshiyam@gmail.com | |
Mubharak Basha | 798418239 1 | RA231102602023 0 | 1st Yea r | CS E | realmeafzal@gmail.com | |
Vikash R | 938404040 9 | RA231100302052 2 | 1st Yea r | CS E | vikashrbabus@gmail.com | |
Archana k | 814815188 7 | 187 | 1st Yea r | IT | archanakarnan778@gmail.com | |
Praveen kumar s | 917607644 5 | RA231103002008 3 | 1st Yea r | CS E | Praveenkumar7829455@gmail.co m | |
Shashank | 908094454 5 | RA231104202001 6 | 1st Yea r | CS E | shashank12345y@gmail.com | |
Gaurav Jha | 930205794 8 | RA231100302031 7 | 1st Yea r | CS E | gj9354@srmist.edu.in | |
Riddhi Sahu | 638189083 5 | RA231103002006 9 | 1st Yea r | CS E | Rs0163@srmist.edu.in | |
Akash | 917621443 5 | RA231100802017 4 | 1st Yea r | IT | Akashtwist530@gmail.com | |
B.Sanjay | 807210396 2 | RA231100302056 4 | 1st Yea r | CS E | bgeetha049@gmail.com | |
Harish perumal | 904349070 0 | RA231100802009 5 | 1st Yea r | IT | harishperumal3112@gmail.com | |
D Lakshmanan | 936026109 0 | RA231104202002 1 | 1st Yea r | CS E | lakshmanan.d2003@gmail.com | |
Khoushik S | 638068088 9 | RA231104202000 9 | 1st Yea r | CS E | Khoushik26@gmail.com | |
A srija | 936322560 0 | RA221100802018 0 | 2nd yea r | IT | sa2569@srmist.edu.in | |
P UMESH | 904351551 4 | RA221100802010 5 | 2nd yea r | IT | up2502@srmist.edu.in |
Suresh S | 900387165 7 | RA221100802011 3 | 2nd yea r | IT | ss9595@srmist.edu.in | |
M.Rajeshwaran | 902529443 5 | RA221100802009 8 | 2nd yea r | IT | rm4737@srmist.edu.in | |
A.Sameer Ahamed | 978993416 8 | RA221100802008 5 | 2nd yea r | IT | sa2875@srmist.edu.in | |
Prince Kumar Singh | 892758664 7 | RA221100802010 4 | 2nd yea r | IT | ps7694@srmist.edu.in | |
Pushpa Beniwal | 701009224 1 | RA231100802009 8 | 1st Yea r | IT | pb9951@srmist.edu.in | |
DEBONEIL BHATTACHARJEE | 600112044 2 | RA231100302033 5 | 1st Yea r | CS E | bhattacharjeedeboneil@gmail.com | |
Divya | 814865368 9 | 190 | 1st Yea r | IT | divdivya142004@gmail.com | |
E.SIVARAJA | 994431642 6 | RA211100802008 4 | 3rd yea r | IT | er1994@srmist.edu.in | |
VETRIVEL G | 868098131 3 | RA211100802012 2 | 3rd yea r | IT | vetrignanaprakasam@gmail.com | |
Purvi Mohanty | 943716433 0 | RA231100802004 5 | 1st Yea r | IT | pm9409@smrist.edu.in | |
Nikita saxena | 721736131 4 | RA231100802001 1 | 1st Yea r | IT | nikitasaxena.net@gmail.com | |
M.Harish Aravind | 934487007 5 | RA221100802011 5 | 2nd yea r | IT | hm6201@srmist.edu.in | |
GiridharRaj | 944043699 9 | RA231102602017 5 | 1st Yea r | CS E | gs5177@srmist.edu.in | |
NAVEED FARHAN | 798935635 2 | RA231102702004 7 | 1st Yea r | CS E | mohammadnaveedfarhan@gmail. com | |
Pranav Reddy | 834775395 6 | RA231102602018 5 | 1st Yea r | CS E | sk0768@srmist.edu.in | |
Sijon Thomas | 958993003 3 | RA23110030502 | 1st Yea r | CS E | sijonthomas123@gmail.com |