Workshop on Communication Systems & Solar Cell Technology
The Department of Physics has organized a Workshop on Communication Systems & Solar Cell Technology on 12 April 2021 (Monday) between 10:00 AM to 12:00Noon via Google meet platform. The details of the sessions are as follows:
In the first session, Dr. K. Subramanian, Assistant Professor (Sr.G), Department of Physics, SRMIST, Ramapuram has presented a talk on the topic “Recent Developments in Communication Systems”. He has explained on copper wire Communication system, Satellite Communication System and Optical fiber communication Systems.
In the first second session, Dr. M. Dhanasekar, Assistant Professor (O.G), Department of Physics, SRMIST, Ramapuram has delivereded a talk on the topic “Solar Cell Technology and its Applications”. He has elaborated on Second generation solar cell, Li-Fi technology and Applications of solar cell.
We have received overwhelming registrations, 60 participants including class 11 & 12 school students & Research scholars from all over India attended the Webinar. In the interactive session, the participants raised questions to the speakers and discussed about the topics. The participants gave very good feedback to the resource person.
All the session was chaired by Dr. L. Sudha, Hod/Physics. Dr. T. Beena, Assistant Professor (S.G) delivered welcome address.