Venue : 503 Admin block, SRM IST, Ramapuram, Chennai.
Date : 29 and 30 December 2023
Beneficiaries: Faculty members of EEE, ECE, BME and
Faculty Development Program on the first year course “Electrical and Electronics Engineering – 21 EES101T” was conducted on 29th & 30th December 2023 in Admin block 503, SRMIST, Ramapuram, Chennai.
The Faculty Development Program (FDP) aimed to elevate the proficiency and teaching capabilities of faculty members of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) and Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) domain. This report encapsulates the structure, goals, activities, and outcomes of the course, emphasizing its role in augmenting pedagogical techniques, fostering innovation, and fortifying subject matter expertise among faculty members.
The Faculty Development Program was designed to address the challenges and evenness in teaching methodology among departments in teaching 21EES101T course, aiming to equip the members with course materials, modern teaching methodologies and practical problem solving knowledge to engage students effectively. The program comprised a series of seminars, course committee meeting and collaborative activities to bolster the skills and expertise of participating faculty members.
- Update and deepen the understanding of core concepts in EEE (21EES101T) course.
- Introduce teaching methodologies and pedagogical techniques.
- Introduce practical skills through hands-on sessions for students and explaining concepts using real-world applications
- Foster a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing and networking among faculty members.
- Provide a uniform teaching pedagogies across the first year sections to which the course will be offered.
Agenda of the program
Date | Time | Resource Person | Topic of sessions |
29.12.2023 | 9.15 AM | Prof. K.N.Srinivas, HOD/EEE | Welcome Address |
29.12.2023 | 9.20 AM | DEAN (E&T) | Special Address |
29.12.2023 | 9.25 AM | Dr. W. Margaret Amutha, Assistant Professor, EEE | Introduction to syllabus |
29.12.2023 | 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM | Dr. J. Ajay Daniel, Assistant Professor, ECE | Electrical circuits |
29.12.2023 | 11:10 AM – 12:30 PM | Dr. G. Ramya, AP/ECE | Digital Systems and Electronics |
29.12.2023 | 1.30 PM – 2.30 PM | Dr. S. Saravanan, Assistant Professor, EEE | Electric Machines |
30.12.2023 | 9.00 PM – 10.00 PM | Dr. P. Srinivasan, Assistant Professor, EEE | Transducers, sensors |
30.12.2023 | 10.10 AM – 11.10 AM | Dr. S. Premalatha, Associate Professor, EEE | Power Engg. and EV |
30.12.2023 | 11.15 AM – 11.45 AM | Course Coordinator | First Course Committee Meeting |
30.12.2023 | 11.45 AM | Dr. S. R. Sitaaraman, Assistant Professor, EEE | Vote of Thanks |
Program Structure and Activities
The program spanned over 2 days and was divided into modules covering all the 5 units of EEE (21EES101T). Key activities included:
Welcome address
Dr. K.N.Srinivas, Prof and HOD, Dept. of EEE, Welcoming the gathering
Dr K.N.Srinivas, Prof and HOD, Department of EEE, SRMIST (E&T), Ramapuram campus welcomed the participants from EEE, ECE, BME and Biotechnology to this FDP. He shared the objective and expected outcome of the FDP and also shared valuable insights to successfully instruct the course to the students in the upcoming semester. He also instructed that this FDP motive is to establish a unity in class materials, lesson plan and teaching of the course.
Introduction to the syllabus
Dr. W. Margaret Amutha introducing the syllabus of EEE (21EES101T)
Dr. W. Margaret Amutha, Assistant professor, Department of EEE, introduced the syllabus of the course “Electrical and Electronics Engineering (21EES101T)” to the faculties. She introduced each unit by specifying the title and broad coverage of the unit. She specified the important topics to provide utmost importance while teaching to the students. She also mentioned the books prescribed for our EEE course. Finally, Dr. W. Margaret Amutha introduced all the speaker of the session.
Session – 1: Electrical circuits
Resource faculty: Dr. J. Ajay Daniel, AP / ECE, SRMIST (E&T), Ramapuram
Dr. Ajay Daniel, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, SRMIST, Ramapuram introduced all the topics in unit – 1, the electrical circuits. He explained the first part of unit – 1 which includes KCL, KVL, mesh and nodal analyses, network theorems, numerical examples, AC circuits, fundamentals and related numerical examples, 3-phase circuits, derivations, and examples.
He also shared the important problems to be discussed in the class.
MCQs and essay type questions were also discussed to the participants by him.
Session – 2: Digital Systems and Electronics
Resource faculty: Dr. G. Ramya, AP / ECE, SRMIST (E&T), Ramapuram
Dr. Ramya, AP/ ECE, introduced all the topics in unit – 2, Digital Systems and Electronics. Devices such as diodes, transistors, UJT, MOSFET and SCR were explained. Logic circuits were introduced and topics including K-Map, SOP and POS were explained with examples. Reduction of Boolean algebraic equations were given.
To enhance the understanding of this unit, the video that she has prepared was demonstrated. She also introduced pedagogy technique of using virtual labs for unit – 2.
Session – 3: Electric Machines
Resource faculty: Dr. S. Sararvanan, AP / EEE, SRMIST (E&T), Ramapuram
Dr. S.Saravanan, AP / EEE, SRMIST, Ramapuram introduced all the topics in unit – 3 (electric machines) of this course. He explained topics in unit – 3 which included basics of DC machines and transformers. Following the rudiments of AC machines including 3-pgase induction motors and 3-phase alternators were explained to the participants. The limit up to which the topics to be covered uniformly was said. The construction and working principle of each machine, and special machines like stepper and BLDC machines were presented. The applications of each machine was tabulated.
He introduced pedagogy technique of using electrical vehicles like ‘Tesla’ for explaining application of special machines.
Session – 4: Transducers and sensors
Resource faculty: Dr. P. Srinivasan, AP / EEE, SRMIST (E&T), Ramapuram
Dr. P. Srinivasan, AP / EEE, SRMIST, Ramapuram introduced all the topics in unit – 4, namely Transducers and sensors. At first instruments like moving coil, moving iron instruments, applied as voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter was explained to the audience. CRO and DSO’s function was explained. In transducers, introduction, LVDT, inductive and capacitive transducers were elaborated with neat diagrams. For the sensors portion, temperature sensor, pressure sensor, real time sensors for smart building and their applications were presented.
He also introduced pedagogies of using real-time examples of sensors while explaining to students.
Session – 5: Power Engineering and electric vehicles
Resource faculty: Dr. S. Premalatha, AP / EEE, SRMIST (E&T), Ramapuram
Dr. S Premaltha, AP /EEE, SRMIST, Ramapuram introduced the topics in unit – 5, power Engineering and electric vehicles. At first she explained the power system layout, single line diagram diagram of an electric power generation, transmission and distribution. Various terms associated with power systems, feeders, circuit breakers etc., were defined.
Then, structure of an electric vehicle was explained. In particular, charging models of EVs were explained with figures.
She introduced pedagogy technique of using real-time examples of grid and electric vehicles while explaining to students.
First Course Committee meeting was conducted.
The minutes:
- All the faulty members to take 21EES101T in even semester 23-24 were present.
- Uniformity in teaching this course 21EES101T was made clear.
- For this to happen, KTR supplied main PPTs and RMP faculty members prepared PPTs were shared to all the faculty members. Numerical examples to be solved were also shared. However, the faculty members were encouraged to use their own pedagogies to make the subject interesting to the first year students.
- Internal marks distribution, as approved in the last semester, was clarified to all.
- The departments responsible to set question papers and answer keys for CLAs were said. CLA 1 (EEE), CLA2 (ECE) and CLA3 (BME).
- All the course teachers were emphasized with the fact that the test component marks and the final internal marks are to be entered in ERP only upon the approve from the course coordinator.
Vote of Thanks
Dr. S.R. Sitaaraman, AP / EEE
Dr. S.R.Sitaaraman, AP / EEE, SRMIST, Ramapuram delivered vote of thanks. He thanked the Management, higher officials and Dr. M. Murali Krishna, Dean (E&T), SRMIST, Ramapuram for his encouragement to conduct the faculty development program, Dr. K.N. Srinivas, HOD, Department of EEE, SRMIST, Ramapuram for his support for proper conduction of the program. He thanked the speakers and participants from 4 departments for making this FDP a success.
Finally, he thanked the participants for their eager involvement which made this FDP a grand success.
Outcomes of the FDP
- Enhanced Pedagogical Skills: Participants acquired new teaching methodologies and tools to engage students effectively.
- Networking and Collaboration: Strengthened ties among faculty members, promoting sharing of materials, preparation of question papers and answer key and smooth teaching flow of syllabus.
- Innovative Course Development: Integration of modern technologies and practical applications into the curriculum.
The Faculty Development Program on EEE (21EES101T) has proven instrumental in empowering faculties with updated knowledge, refined pedagogical skills, and a collaborative spirit. The program’s success will be evident in the enhanced teaching quality and incorporation of modern techniques in coursework. Continuing such initiatives will ensure a dynamic and enriched learning environment in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Sl NO | Name | Department | Role |
1 | Dr K N Srinivas | Prof and Head EEE | Convener |
2 | Dr S R Sitaaraman | AP/EEE | Coordinator |
3 | Dr W Maragret Amutha | AP/EEE | Coordinator |
4 | Dr. J. Ajay Daniel | AP/ECE | Speaker |
5 | Dr. G. Ramya | AP/ECE | Speaker |
6 | Dr. S. Saravanan | AP/EEE | Speaker |
7 | Dr. P. Srinivasan | AP/EEE | Speaker |
8 | Dr. S. Premalatha | AP/EEE | Speaker |
9 | B. Pushpa | AP/BME | Participant |
10 | Dr. J. Swaminathan | AP/BME | Participant |
11 | Ms. P. Padmapriya | AP/BME | Participant |
12 | Dr. A. Jagatheesh | AP/BME | Participant |
13 | Dr. Remya Raj | AP/BME | Participant |
14 | Mrs. R. Sindhuja | AP/EEE | Participant |
15 | Dr. M. Karthikeyan | AP/EEE | Participant |
16 | Mr. K. Arulvendhan | AP/EEE | Participant |
17 | Alice Linsie | AP/ECE | Participant |
18 | Dr. K. Gopi | AP/ECE | Participant |
19 | M. Aarthi Elaveini | AP/ECE | Participant |
20 | Dr. S. Nagarajan | AP/ECE | Participant |
21 | Dr. R. Thangam | AP/ECE | Participant |
22 | R. Nirasha | AP/ECE | Participant |