SRM Institute of Science & Technology
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Ramapuram Campus

All of us do not have equal talent. But, all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents. – Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam
Inspired by above beautiful quote , ECE department had decided to provide a platform to students for showcasing their technical skills in various disciplines. SYMPOSIUM – The right event for above said objective was conducted ONLINE on FRIDAY(30.4.2021) from 9.00 a.m-3.30 p.m.The various technical events which happened throughout the day were Paper Presentation,Poster Presentation,Innovative Projective Display,Technical Quiz & Debate. Students of various streams across all years actively registered and participated enthusiastically in all events. The Online Technical symposium kickstarted with Inaugural Function which was attended by all faculties of ECE department and students .Dr.Phanikumar Polasi,HOD/ECE,Convener of the symposium welcomed all our guests.Followed by Mrs.D.Haripriya ,Associate Professor ,Coordinator of this event presented the inaugural function. Dr.M.Murali Krishna,Dean (E&T) graced the occasion and addressed the gatherings. Dr.J.Jagadeesan ,VP(Admin) & Dr.G.Prabhakaran,VP(Academic) accepted our invite and attended the inaugural function.Dr.V.Megala,Assistant Professor (Sr.G) ,Coordinator welcomed our chief guest Mr.Narayanan Ellaparajan,Co-Founder & Director,M/s Pipo circuits,Coimbatore with introduction .The chief guest addressed our students and elaborated them about Emerging Technologies in Electronics .Ms.A.Alice Linsie AP(O.G),Coordinator thanked the gathering with her vote of thanks.Here are the glimpse of special moments in various events of our ONLINE TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM-2021.

Paper Presentation
Followed by inaugural function, paper presentation was started . Various teams presented their paper and discussed about the same with panel members. Here are the glimpse of various teams presentation

Poster Presentation
In this event, students shared the findings of their innovative work through colourful posters.

Innovative Project Display
Learning is complete only when we are capable of applying what we have learned.Some of Projects presented here are done by students themselves with an objective to help society and environment .The pictures here are proof for students innovativeness.

The topics given for debate competition are :
1. The Role of Mobile Technology in Daily Life
2. Pros. and Cons. of Online Classes
Each participants put forth their views on selected topic so gracefully and strongly which made session very informative and interactive.

Technical Quiz
Questions for technical quiz were framed to test depth of students understanding .The topics were not restricted to subjects but also to current affairs to make students aware of happenings around them. The quiz was conducted in Three levels through online gaming platform for automatic evaluation. This is the first time we are coming up with something new of this kind to conduct Quiz. The event was an instant hit among participants.