The Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram campus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, is going to organize the 1st International Conference on Advanced Intelligence and Innovations in Mechanical Sciences, (AIIMS 1.0), on 8th April 2022 through virtual mode. This conference aims to bring together Academia and Engineers from all over the world to deliberate upon the challenges, opportunities of Advances in Mechanical Engineering.
The aim of the AIIMS-1.0 conference is to investigate innovative applications and the latest research in the areas of Design Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Manufacturing, Intelligent Systems and many more allied areas.
Abstracts in proper format are invited for the 1st International Conference on Advanced Intelligence and Innovations in Mechanical Sciences. This conference focuses on various thrust areas like New product development, Design of Experiments, Modelling and Simulation, Advanced Materials/Novel Materials, Fracture Mechanics, Nano Technology, Tribology, Optimization Techniques, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence in Heat and Fluid flow, Turbulent Transport, Two Phase/Multiphase Flows, Energy Harvesting and Storage, Solar Energy Systems, Alternate fuels and Energy sources, E-Vehicle/Hybrid Vehicle, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Combustion and Emission Control, Modern Manufacturing, Metal Forming, Welding and Casting Technology, Industrial Engineering, AI in Manufacturing, High Entropy Alloys, Smart Materials, Composite Materials, High Performance Materials, Robotics, Block chain Technologies, Data Mining, Artificial Neural Networks in Mechanical Engineering and Design Thinking for Manufacturing Excellence etc.,
Important dates:
Ø Submission of Abstract: 05th March 2022
Ø Submission of full paper: 11th March 2022
Ø Acceptance Notification: 18th March 2022
Ø Submission of Camera Ready paper and Registration: 25th March 2022
Publications to be made through AIIMS-2021:
All accepted, registered and presented submissions will be directed to publish in SCOPUS/WoS indexed Journals/ Book Series of internationally reputed publishers.
Contact Us
Organizing Team
1st International Conference on Advanced Intelligence and Innovations in Mechanical Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Ramapuram Campus,
E-mail Id:
Mobile: +91 99621 00699,91 97915 58469 ,+91 97173 25233