S.No. | Name of the supervisor | No. of FT Scholars Guiding | No. of PT(INT) Scholars Guiding | No. of PT(EXT ) Scholars Guiding | No. of Vacany position as on date |
1 | Dr. A. Mathivanan (Asso. Prof) | 0 | 5 | 1 | 0 |
2 | Dr. V. Thanigaivelan (Asso. Prof.) | 0 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
3 | Dr. A. Chelliah (Assit. Prof) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
4 | Dr. R. Tharmaraj (Assit. Prof) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
5 | Dr. S. Vigneshwaran (Assit. Prof) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Sl. No. | Institute | Dept. | Authors | Author ID | Title of the paper | Month | Journal Name | Document Type (Scopus, ESCI,SCIE,WOS ,UGC CARE….) | Link |
1 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. Banumathi Munuswamy Swami Punniakodi | 57219292240 | An experimental study of melting behavior of the phase change material in cylindrical capsules for thermal energy storage | JAN | Journal of energy storage | SCIE, WOS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WW0XX OGLUb8qIlV00GRNTrYKiOVvO3Fp/vi ew?usp=drive_link |
2 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. S.Suyambazhahan | 6505633729 | Characterization of 0–3 piezoelectric polymer composites using FEA for biomedical transducers applications | FEB | FERROELECTRICS | WOS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nm1KF6 DCMWv4oNRrWqWlCdTC2OGkc3ph/v iew?usp=drive_link |
3 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. M.Vikneswaran | 57210818152 | Evaluation of wheat germ oil biofuel in diesel engine with hydrogen, bioethanol dual fuel and fuel ionization strategies | FEB | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | SCIE, WOS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mrQLub- OAORBI_95rG6cStWW- l7cYN0e/view?usp=drive_link |
4 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. M.Vikneswaran | 57210818152 | Experimental investigations on in-cylinder flame and emission characteristics of butanol-gasoline blends in SI engine using combustion endoscopic system | FEB | Thermal Science and Engineering Progress | SCIE, WOS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KFVQbg kedLIGxv9fv8SV4iPiMJLadpmT/view?u sp=drive_link |
5 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr. H.Mohammed Ali | 57639427500 | Evaluation of Lightweight Cotton Textiles for Durable Comfortable Automobile Interior Applications | MAR | SAE International | SCOPUS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1giJVPEut ZaCewwataDuC0xEnW8sArjyj/view?usp =drive_link |
6 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr. H.Mohammed Ali | 57639427500 | Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Abutilon indicum Fiber - Based Polyster Composites under Alkali Treatment for Automitive Sector | MAR | SAE International | Scopus - Not yet indexed | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c7Vp8wj 3xADwLBt6oszeHS2GhLPcR7yw/view? usp=drive_link |
7 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. A. Santhosh Kumar | 54391682200 | Development and analysis of air-conditioning condensate assisted compact cooler unit: a novel approach in condensate recovery | MAR | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | SCIE | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mNxhe3 GTJnGCC3q4Aztxdl3kTDEZoTRy/view? usp=drive_link |
8 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr.V.Thanigaivelan | 57200192657 | Experimental analysis in solar air heater through modified absorber plate | MAR | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) | NA | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G- qwJLvjRkaILRHPh6XQ5xSxi_Cty5dj/vi ew?usp=drive_link |
9 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr.V.Thanigaivelan | 57200192657 | Performance Enhancement in solar air Heater through design configurations and applications | MAR | IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering | NA | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ko5RBI Aa1Nc1iL96A1oXekVNVUTHvxW7/vie w?usp=drive_link |
10 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. LORD JAYKISHAN NAYAK | 56298333700 | Effect of beam current on microstructure, tensile properties and corrosion behaviour of electron beam welded zircaloy-4 joints | APR | Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly | SCIE | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DYSyrtC gfu7X5yboufDY- 49UtoXqGFPu/view?usp=drive_link |
11 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr.S.Prathiban | 57224131543 | Experimental Investigation on thermophysical and optical properties of hybrid nanoerythritol for photo thermal energy conversion and storage | MAY | International Journal of Ambient Energy | Scopus | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YniVtRX k4g4v8Bxt5NWy4pGQCvyzweKu/view? usp=drive_link |
12 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. M. Vikneswaran | 57210818152 | Production of liquid hydrocarbon fuels through catalytic cracking of high and low-density polyethylene medical wastes using fly ash as a catalyst | MAY | Process Safety and Environmental Protection | SCIE | https://drive.google.com/file/d/14WhqPM VD02yMZ1U3TCLl4m1 gp- mz9K/view?usp=drive_link |
13 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. A. Prabhu | - | Exploring the impact of aluminum oxide nanoparticles on waste transformer biodiesel blend under variable injection timing | MAY | Sustainable Energy Research | SCOPUS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nQLT4nr kqfH0CzVM2VZwgjG6IPtJmSRr/view?u sp=drive_link |
14 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. Tharmaraj Ramakrishnan | 56313318500 | A Review on Formability and Damage Behaviour of Powder Metallurgy Composites during Upsetting | JUN | Journal of testing and evaluation | SCI | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g_DelT1 EWIYyn- PL7_fWyQGODUi9kEJS/view?usp=driv e_link |
15 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. S. Vigneshwaran | 57201895317 | Influence of friction stir processing on microstructure and mechanical properties of AA6061 reinforced with Zr and Ni metallic particles | JUN | Bulletin of Materials Science | SCIE | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C76K6p6 0cHXZsK5hqfC7UGr62OdFfRJD/view? usp=drive_link |
16 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. B M Swami Punniakodi | 57219292240 | Engine Behavior Analysis on a Conventional Diesel Engine Powered with Blends of Lemon Grass Oil Biodiesel–Diesel Blends | JUN | SAE Int. J. Engines | ESCI - Not yet indexed | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GlNluzU LdUgDcb2way58veB_rVBKNGgP/view? usp=drive_link |
17 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. S. Vigneshwaran | 57201895317 | Influence of spindle speeds on the formability, microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture behaviour of Ti‑6Al‑4V alloy foils during single point micro incremental forming (SPMIF) process | AUG | International Journal of Material Forming | SCIE | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K- Ywfaq5UzkXGk_3hBuN73ivoTqn_- Pt/view?usp=drive_link |
18 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. A. Venkata Krishna | 57209408582 | Deciphering the Indentation Creep Characteristics and the Metallurgical Aspects of the 9Cr1MoVNb(P91) and SS316LN Dissimilar Butt Joint | SEP | Journal of Materials Engineering and performance | SCIE - Not yet indexed | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QhRMP8 6TY6go3ujSsKeSUjY1FwqvoizA/view?u sp=drive_link |
19 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. THIRUNAVUKKARASU RAJA, | 57200271885 | Comprehensive Review On Evolution, Progression, Design, And Exploration Of Electric Bicycle | SEP | The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji | Scopus | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KhyaHW 4spfZ4VFiOCJemKLtKk0mt2M_V/view ?usp=drive_link |
20 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. M. Ramesh | 57224622582 | Mechanical and fammability properties of ultrasonically processed silane‑treated areca‑banana fber‑reinforced epoxy composites for lightweight applications | SEP | Biomass Conversion and Biorefnery | SCIE - Not yet indexed | https://drive.google.com/file/d/19zYxFOi W1CRUHuFusaO0N45jf1s16umE/view? usp=drive_link |
21 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. M. Vikneswaran | 57210818152 | Hot Corrosion Study of Plasma-Sprayed Optimized WC- NiCrB-Al-Co Coating Mixture on Stainless Steels for Boiler Environment | SEP | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE | SCIE - Not yet indexed | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fp2jtqsZ5 Shp9GeBjIzha_pF5M5LgE_j/view?usp= drive_link |
22 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. S. Vigneshwaran | 57201895317 | Effect of Cryorolling on Strengthening–Softening Transition in Deformation Twinned Cupronickel Alloy | OCT | Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A | SCIE | https://drive.google.com/file/d/19pZIHd9J 8K6QQ5qF639gp7nHq7ED2hg8/view?us p=drive_link |
S.No | Title | Author | Field of innovatio | Patent Application no |
2019 | ||||
1 | Implementation of Mechanically operation Zero radius steering Mechanism in Fork lift | Dr.K.C.Udaiya kumar, | Mechanical | Patent Application no: 201941025247/v1/patent 225. |
Mr. R. Muthukumaran | ||||
Publication date: 27.06 2019 | ||||
2 | Designing and Controlling of Electro Hydraulic Braking System with Enhanced Performance | Dr.V.Jayaseelan, | Electrical | Patent Application no: 201941051702. |
Dr.A.Mathivanan, | Publication date (U/S 11A) : 20.12.2019 |
2020 | ||||
1 | Prediction and prevention of falls in elderly people | Dr.K.C.UdaiyakumarPratap pranav varma, | Mechanical | Application No: 202041024639, |
Joris john George, | ||||
Publication date : 19.06.2020 | ||||
2 | Anti-lock braking recognition systems (abs) modeling and system | Mr. P.Vetrivezhan | Mechanical | Application No: 20204102820A |
Publication date : 10/07/2020 | ||||
3 | Design and Optimization of Carbon Particle Elimination in Diesel Exhaust Emission | Mr.K.Yoganand | Computer Science | Application No: 202041025368, |
Publication date : 26.6.2020 | ||||
4 | Lemongrass oil and it's blends for agricultural diesel engine | Dr.V.Thanigaivelan, Mr.A.Joshua., Mr.J.Renuraman. | Mechanical | Application No: 202031036818. |
Publication date : 18.09.2020 | ||||
5 | IOT based predictive model for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | Dr.V.Thanigaivelan, | Computer Science and Engineering | Application No: 20204104493A |
Publication Date : 30.10.2020 | ||||
6 | Method to support the two-wheeler and rider during slow moving Traffic with auxiliary support legs | K.Vinoth Kumar | Mechanical | Application No: 202041055463 |
A. MuruganH. Mohammad Ali | ||||
2022 | ||||
7 | Hand air pump | Dr S Vigneswaran | Mechanical | Design no : 373062-001 Patent Application no : 125175 |
Book Chapters
Sl. No. | Institute | Dept. | Authors | Author ID | Title of the paper | Month | Journal Name | Document Type (Scopus, ESCI,SCIE,W | Link |
1 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. M. Ramesh | 57224622582 | Effect of Plastic Particulate Addition on Polymer Composite Reinforced with Prosopis juliflora Fiber | FEB | Sustainable Machining and Green Manufacturing | Scopus | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t ot00WZfRNs0yn3Gp43vuMl5P dzE0-VP/view?usp=drive_link |
2 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. M. Ramesh | 57224622582 | Manufacturing Issues and Process Parameters of Composite Filament for Additive Manufacturing Process | FEB | Sustainable Machining and Green Manufacturing | Scopus | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1 wIoszibzYG2g2eZQCrt3lWfNk ZCK4nlF/view?usp=drive_link |
3 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. S. Vigneshwaran | 57201895317 | Formability of aluminium and its alloy sheet metals : A review | May | Book chapter - CRC Press Taylor and Francis group | Scopus | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1 0hhmXMWiEmGkYjb1BxbYY oTtBw9gwE_P/view?usp=drive _link |
4 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr. Mohammed Ali | 57639427500 | Development of Communication Networks in Industrial Sectors to Enhance Privacy and Security in the Cyber Physical System Through Internet of Thing | May | Intelligent Solutions for Sustainable Power Grids | NA | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1 LZNCAJdYYvjNAOflSooc- QGJF7MOpOI5/view?usp=drive _link |
5 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr. Krishna. M | 57202283483 | Parameter Optimization and Studies on the Properties of Similar PTIG Welded AA6082 Aluminium Alloys | June | Advances in Additive Manufacturing Technologies | NA | https://drive.google.com/file/d/ 1cPW2_cyabgkjiTLcJmkjgZo3osF pl6qC/view?usp=drive_link |
6 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr.S.D. Kumar | 57206762801 | Innovative Assisitance for the Visually Impaired: Face Recognition, Navigation, Water and Fire Safety with Raspberry PI | June | Advances in Additive Manufacturing Technologies | NA | https://drive.google.com/file/d/ 1Ckn_tGKuyXkqwot7YqxKruMb H2Jg9ELr/view?usp=drive_link |
7 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr.S.D. Kumar | 57206762801 | Design and Fabrication of Solar Dryer for Agricultural Products | June | Advances in Additive Manufacturing Technologies | NA | https://drive.google.com/file/d/ 1E80hivrkU69Hd7Olw-HjmL- 3wnlPeN1s/view?usp=drive_link |
8 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr.A.Baskar | 59150920600 | Wear Behavior of Hemp - Flax - Glass Fibre Hybrid Composite Material | June | Advances in Additive Manufacturing Technologies | NA | https://drive.google.com/file/d/ 1N5lVgOShvuFkwWK9tEigGXfHX DvgE6Eg/view?usp=drive_link |
9 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. V. Thanigaivelan | 57200192657 | A Resilient System Through Modular Fabrication Process of Transesterification Reactor for Biodiesel Manufacturing | Sep | Recent Advances in Industrial and system Engineering | Scopus | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1 m7vpZDdgaM51qRUVCxW9Y GHDYcTGoYw8/view?usp=dri ve_link |
Funded projects
Sl. No | Title of the Project | Scheme | Name of the Funding Agency | Fund Requested | Duration of the project | Letter Reference No. | Name of the PI | Name of the CO - PI | Date of Application/Sa nction | Status – Submitted / Under Review / Sanctioned | Amount of project fund claimed |
1 | Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing of Incoloy: An Experimental and Numerical Study | Selective Excellence Research Initiative | SRM IST Internal Fund | Rs 5,00,000 | 2 Year | - | Dr L Jaikishan Nayak | - | Jun-24 | Submitted | - |
2 | Development and Investigation of Fe-Mn-Cu-W-Mo Nanostructured Bio- degradable Implant Materials through Gas Atomization and Vacuum Arc Melting | Advanced Materials Scheme - Nano mission | Department of Science and Technology | Rs. 19,89,500 | 3 years | - | Dr. Vigneshwaran S | - | 25-09-2024 | Submitted | - |
3 | Effective Conversion of Medical and Municipal plastic waste into value added products through integrated thermo chemical reactors and its kinetic study and life cycle assesment | SERB - TARE | SERB (ANRF) | Rs. 500000 | 2 years | - | Dr. A. Santhoshkumar | - | 06/09/2024 - Transfer date | Sanctioned - Project Transferred | Under Processing - Need to submit UC and SE from previous instituttion and SRMIST. Also need to get clearance certificate from previous institution and NOC from our institution |
Sl. No. | Institute | Dept. | Authors | Author ID | Title of the paper | Month | Journal Name | Document Type (Scopus, ESCI,SCIE,WOS,UGC CARE….) | Link |
1 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr.A.Baskar | 59150920600 | Data Analysis on the Nano Composite Behaviour of Circular CFST Columns under Axial Load | Mar | International Conference on Data Science, Agents, and Artificial Intelligence | SCOPUS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lwyyZ TJKdLPqDXODaUa1W_en-- m_S8Aj/view?usp=drive_link |
2 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr. H.Mohammed Ali | 57639427500 | Evaluating the Wear and Mechanical Properties of Cotton Fabrics for Women’s Summer Clothing | MAR | Engineering Proceedings | SCOPUS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1djIh 7MvyfE4qMN3JFt5eCzTmP0zyXtM0/vi ew?usp=drive_link |
3 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr.C. Uthirapathy | - | Development of Novel Material for Bone Implantation | MAY | International Conference on Advancement in Design, Development, Engineering, Processing, and Characterization, AIP Conf. Proc | SCOPUS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GHx LXywzKLrlX7BQrI1L8ZnOuWnzRY0Z/vi ew?usp=drive_link |
4 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Mr. S.D.Kumar | 57206762801 | Design and analysis of mechanical elevator for smart parking system | MAY | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCEMENT IN DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, ENGINEERING, PROCESSING, AND CHARACTERIZATION: ADDEPC | SCOPUS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yNL Nm9qnTdSP79y_KIhxPp8HOnkmzTOK /view?usp=drive_link |
5 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr. V. Thanigaivelan | 57200192657 | Automated Device Prototype Using ANN for the Transesrtification of Biodiesel | JUN | IEEE - 10th International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) | SCOPUS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QV1 rgqiudGXAt72LpkK8O3RomUHgOORQ /view?usp=drive_link |
6 | SRMIST- Ramapuram | Mechanical | Dr.P.Vassanthkumar | 57219344479 | Microstructure and mechanical characterization of weldments of titanium alloy plates joined using different welding techniques | AUG | Interactions | SCOPUS | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J3M73 swH6qBLz_uipeeE8FKhNPu2vZXf/vi ew?usp=drive_link |