Atchaya Shankar, Vishnushankar and Sriram, students of II-year EEE participated and won the I prize in the Project Contest at A National Level Technical Symposium organized by Velammal Engineering College on 17th February 2024.
Kesava Perumal D.N, and Tejasvi Raju, students of II-year EEE participated and won II prize in the Project Contest at A National Level Technical Symposium organized by Velammal Engineering College on 17th February 2024.
Project day 2023 – Winners
The second year EEE students Tejasvi Raju (RA2211005020015), D N Kesava Perumal (RA2211005020002) and Jey Prasanna were displayed their project titled “Smart Friend Assistance for Visually Impaired” and won the first prize which includes Rs. 50,000 and individual merit certificates in Project Day 2023 on 27.02.2023 and 28.02.2023.
Title:Smart Friend Assistance for Visually Impaired
Guide :Mr K Arulvendhan
Students:Tejasvi Raju (RA2211005020015), D N Kesava Perumal (RA2211005020002) and Jey Prasanna
Prize:First Prize, which includes Rs. 50,000 and individual merit certificates
Design and Implementation of Smart Driving Electric Vehicle
This project was carried out by Mr.Dheeraj Kumar, Mr.Mrigank Rishav and Mr.Dipraj Ghosh of 4th Year EEE in the emerging area of Electric Vehicle
With an impact on the challenges which the world is seriously facing now-a-days, viz., Global Warming and Increased Traffic Accidents as well as the highly positive impression created by the sophisticated and advanced Tesla cars, students from Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering involved in development of Smart Electric Vehicle. Mr.Dheeraj Kumar, Mr.Mrigank Rishav and Mr.Dipraj Ghosh, an enthusiastic team of Final year students analysed many accident cases happened in the city and developed an algorithm which is utilized to improve the control mechanisms to avoid the accidents effectively with very less carbon footprint. They demonstrated a prototype model of the proposed project and won 1st position (out of more than 130 projects participated) in the Electrical Sciences Stream with a cash Prize of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) during the Project day competitions held on 9th and 10th January 2020.
Power Lifting Competition
Mr. Aswin Doss of Second year EEE secured 3rd position in power lifting competition
Mr. Aswin Doss of Second year EEE student participated in power lifting competition organized by Tamilnadu power lifting association on 22nd Dec 2019 in Chennai. He achieved the 3rd position.
The Department of EEE at Ramapuram campus always encourages various extracurricular activities of its students.
This is one such a glimpse!
IOT based Solar Electric Vehicle
This project was carried out by Ms. Sonali Dash, Ms. Ritu Santra, Mr. Suda Yugandhar, Mr. Kiran Achari, Mr. Himanshu Thakre of 3rd year EEE and Mr.A.R.Nimesh Bhevan of 2nd Year EEE in the emerging area of Electric Vehicle
Ms. Sonali Dash, Ms. Ritu Santra, Mr. Suda Yugandhar, Mr. Kiran Achari, Mr. Himanshu Thakre and Mr.A.R.Nimesh Bhevan actively participated in the ‘India Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC) 2019’, a National level event, organized by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India and M/s. Texas Instruments. The Idea proposed by them was a IOT based solar Electric Vehicle. In the project, they proposed an idea of monitoring the battery of the electric vehicle using M2M technology and IOT. When the team proposed this idea to the contest, it was selected to semi-final round and provided with a kit worth US$ 200 to complete their project successfully.
The Department of EEE at Ramapuram Campus preparing its students towards Industry 4.0.
In this focus EEE students are offered with current research subjects such as Internet of Things(IOT), Electric Vehicles(EV), etc.
The Department of EEE proudly says that this success is due to the offering of such courses.
Come and experience this in the Department of EEE
E-App Power Consumption
This project was carried out by Mr. Arunish, Mr. Dishant Sharma and Mr. Chetan Singh of 3rd year EEE in the emerging area of App development
Mr. Arunish, Mr. Dishant Sharma and Mr. Chetan Singh of third year Electrical and Electronics Engineering students proposed a project titled “E-app Power Consumption” which is basically a way to measure energy consumed and to know the billing amount. Due to the various problems faced by residential and industrial population in knowing the units of power consumed and the billing amount till the measuring date, they came up with an idea of integrating Electrical, electronics and their computer knowledge in developing an application for knowing the above details as and when the consumer wants.
This project also entered DST Sponsored Texas Instruments (IICDC-2019) Semi-finals.
Major highlight of the Department of EEE is mini project and multi-disciplinary project.
Throughout their stay in EEE department, students are encouraged to do several projects in the new emerging areas and get well trained in core competency.
This achievement showcases the success of such project subjects.
Hand Gesture Controlled Robot
This project was carried out by Mr. Trishvanth.K and Mr. Roahith Kumar of 1st year EEE in the emerging area of Robotics
In the first year itself Department of EEE train its students in the advanced area and make them to come out with working models.
The EEE Department and its faculty members has such an expertise.
This first year students project experimentally verified robotic automation and won Rs.10,000/- in project day Competition
Though they are freshers to the engineering course, they have shown keen interest in the primary courses such as Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering to gain the fundamental knowledge about sensors so that they can be employed in some useful projects which can be used for the welfare of the society. Their proposed project is basically about using hand gestures to control the wheels of the cart to make them move in the desired direction which will be most helpful for patients in wheel chair as there won’t be much involvement for manual push.
Integrated Automatic Floor Warning, Alert and Evacuation System Using IOT
This project was carried out by Mr. Utkarsha Kumar Gupta, Mr. Ranik Debta and Mr. Prakhar Shah of 3rd year EEE in the emerging area of Internet of Things (IOT)
The project “Integrated Automatic Floor Warning, Alert and Evacuation System Using IOT” was submitted to IEEE Student Project Funding, 2019 – 2020 which was well reviewed and shortlisted to final round by the expert committee.
Mr. Utkarsha Kumar Gupta, Mr. Ranik Debta and Mr. Prakhar Shah proposed their vision project “Integrated Automatic Floor Warning, Alert and Evacuation System Using IOT”. They are motivated by various residential, commercial and industrial fire accidents happened across the world and their serious consequences. The proposed system will be used for eradicating the fire as soon as possible before it gets out of control. The system will also help in spreading the message of threat at a particular area by contacting necessary officials like fire station, police station, etc. This system will also help the stranded people by showing them safe exits.
Schneider Electric Innovation Challenge – Hachware 2019 – Runner up – Won Rs. 1.5 Lakh Cash Award
Mr. Vignesh Babu of 4th year Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department participated in Schneider Electric Innovation Challenge – Hachware 2019 and secured (Second Position) runner up with a Cash Award of Rs. 1.5 Lakh.
Mr. Vignesh Babu of 4th year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student participated in Hachware 2019 organised by Schneider Electric Innovation Challenge. This event had a total of 2571 registration across 29 states conducted during the period of 18th to 21st September, 2019. They presented the idea of “Hybrid Touch Screen Display for Industrial Applications”.
One of the major issue faced by industry is multi- touch and gesture control cant be implemented since the LCD display used is touch screen is resistive in nature. In their idea they made the combination of resistive LCD Touch and optical touch screen technology. The project was well recognized by the organisers and received the appreciations of audience and the juries. Mr. Vignesh secured second runner up and was awarded with a Cash prize of Rs.1,50,000/-.
The final year students of EEE department undergone acute training through industrial visits and various technical events organised throughout their entire four years to acquire knowledge and industry ready.
This is one such a glimpse!
Robotic Arm with Human Arm Interface
This project was carried out by Mr.A.R. Nimesh Bhevan, Mr.H.Yogesh, and Mr.M.Vinod of 2nd year EEE in the emerging area of IOT based floor warning fire alarm system
Mr.A.R. Nimesh Bhevan, Mr.H.Yogesh and Mr.M.Vinod enthusiastically participated and showcased their project titled “Robotic Arm With Human Arm Interface”. The basic objective of this project is to help the differently abled people in lifting the heavy object with the help of robotic interfaced arm. A small force applied by the arms can lift heavy objects with the aid of robotic arm.
Students develop their programming skills, Printed Circuit Board(PCB) designing and various other technical skills in gaining more practical knowledge through Value Added Course(VAC) offered by our institution in addition to the curriculum.
Their project attracted a Cash Award of INR 10,000 in project contest.
S.No | Student Name | Achievements |
1. | Arunish, III yr EEE (2017-2021) Dishant Sharm, III yr EEE (2017-2021) Chetan Singh, III yr EEE (2017-2021) |
“E-APP power consumption” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 |
2. | Utkarsha Gupta, III yr EEE (2017-2021) Ranik Debt, III yr EEE (2017-2021) Adithya Mishra, III yr EEE (2017-2021) |
“Converting Sound Energy in to Electrical Energy” ” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 |
3. | Sonali Dash, III yr EEE (2017-2021) Ritu Santra, III yr EEE (2017-2021) Suda Yugandhar, IIIyr EEE (2017-2021) Kiran Achari, IIIyr EEE (2017-2021) Himanshu Thakre, III yr EEE (2017-2021)Nimesh Bhevan, IIyr EEE (2017-2021) |
“IOT based Solar Electric Vehicle” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 |
4. | Vignesh, IV year (2016-2020) | Secured second runner up and won 1.5 Lakh cash award in “Schneider Hachware 2019” |
5. | Mr.Utkarsha Kumar Gupta, III yr EEE (2017-2021) Mr. Ranik Debta, III yr EEE (2017-2021) Mr. Prakhar Shah, III yr EEE (2017-2021) |
“Integrated Automatic Floor Warning, Alert and Evacuation System Using IOT” project got selected in IEEE SPF 2019-20 |
6. | Trishvanth.K, I yr EEE(2019-2023) Roahith Kumar, I yr EEE(2019-2023) |
Won 10,000 cash prize in Poject day, organized by SRMIST, Ramapuram campus under the title “Hand Gesture Controlled Robot” |
7. | A.R. Nimesh Bhevan, II yr EEE(2018-2022) H.Yogesh, II yr EEE(2018-2022) M.Vinod, II yr EEE(2018-2022) |
Won 10,000 cash prize in Poject day, organized by SRMIST, Ramapuram campus under the title “Robotic Arm With Human Arm Interface” |
8. | DHEERAJ KUMAR, IV yr EEE(2016-2020) MRIGANK RISHAV, IV yr EEE(2016-2020) DIPRAJ GHOSH, IV yr EEE(2016-2020) |
Won 50,000 cash prize in Poject day, organized by SRMIST, Ramapuram campus under the title “Design And Implementation Of Smart Driving Electric Vehicle”. |
9. | Aswin doss , II yr EEE(2018-2022) | Secured 3rd place in power lifting organized by Tamilnadu power lifting association on 22nd Dec 2019 |
10. | Utkarsh Kumar Gupta III yr EEE(2017-2021) | Got scholarship of amount rupees 25,000 based on academic performance |
11. | Krishnapriya III yr EEE(2017-2021) | Got scholarship of amount rupees 30,000 based on academic performance |
SI.No | Name | Designation | Awards | Date |
1. | Ms. K. Vijayalakshmi | Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | silver medal, in Research day 2023 organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai | 24/02/2023. |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Achievement | State / National / International | Received On Date |
1 | Dr.U.Arunkumar | Published Patent-An Improved O-Shaped Metamaterial Solar Absorber Design With Broad Response For Renewable Energy Applications | National | 2023-12-22 00:00:00 |
2 | Dr.K.N.Srinivas Dr.S.Gayathri Monicka | Smarter and Green Generation systems using Photovoltaics in Machine Learning Approach | National | 2023-11-22 00:00:00 |
3 | Dr.Gayathri Monicka.S | NPTEL-ELITE with SILVER in Cloud Computing | National | 2023-11-22 00:00:00 |
4 | Dr.P.Srinivasan | NPTEL-ELITE in Cloud Computing | National | 2023-11-22 00:00:00 |
5 | Mr.K.Arulvendhan | NPTEL-ELITE in Cloud Computing | National | 2023-11-22 00:00:00 |
6 | Dr.P.Srinivasan Dr.V.Megala Mr.K.Arulvendhan Mr.J.AjayDaniel Mr.M.Moovendan | Published Patent – Supervisory Control, Monitoring and Data Acquisition for Remote Industry using Arduino | National | 2023-12-22 00:00:00 |
7 | Mr.K.Arulvendhan | Published Patent –An Improved Aqueous Lithium- Ion Battery with IOT Connectivity | National | 2023-09-22 00:00:00 |
8 | Ms.K.Vijayalakshmi | NPTEL-ELITE in Big Data | National | 2023-10-22 00:00:00 |
9 | Ms.K.Vijayalakshmi | NPTEL ELITE IN CLOUD COMPUTING | National | 2023-05-22 00:00:00 |
11 | Mr.M.Moovendan Mr.J.Ajay Daniel Mr.K.Arulvendhan Dr.V.Megala | Published Patent - System & Design of wind Induced Pressure Prediction on Tall Buildings for Smart City | National | 2023-08-22 00:00:00 |
12 | Dr.B.Siranthini | Nano Coating of Super Capacitor on CAR to support recharging of EV's on the run efficiently | National | 2023-05-22 00:00:00 |
13 | Mr.K.Arulvendhan | Patent Granted- Afitting Assembly for Tyre Inflation & Tyre Repair | National | 2023-09-22 00:00:00 |
14 | Dr.T.Jeya Shree | Published patent - Machine learning approaches for improving the automatic solar light tracking system for energy efficiency | National | 2023-09-22 00:00:00 |
15 | Dr.K.N.Srinivas, Dr.S.Gayathri Monicka.S Ms.Vijayalakshmi | Published patent-Smart monitoring using hybrid distributed generation system on IOT based automation | National | 2023-01-22 00:00:00 |
S.No | Staff Name | Achievements |
1. | Dr.K.N. Srinivas | “Converting Sound Energy in to Electrical Energy” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 |
2. | Dr. S. Gayathri Monicka | “IOT based Smart Electric Vehicle” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 |
3. | Dr.V.Megala | A paper titled“Enhancement of corona onset voltage using PI/MWCNT nano composite on HV conductor” got published in IEEE transaction on Plasma Science. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2020.2979843 |
4. | Mr. K. Arulvendhan | “E-APP power consumption” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 |
5. | Mrs.G.Ramya | Secured GOLD MEDAL in NPTEL course for the course “Introduction to IOT” during MAY 2019 |
- Students Achievements
Atchaya Shankar, Vishnushankar and Sriram, students of II-year EEE participated and won the I prize in the Project Contest at A National Level Technical Symposium organized by Velammal Engineering College on 17th February 2024.
Kesava Perumal D.N, and Tejasvi Raju, students of II-year EEE participated and won II prize in the Project Contest at A National Level Technical Symposium organized by Velammal Engineering College on 17th February 2024.
Project day 2023 – Winners
The second year EEE students Tejasvi Raju (RA2211005020015), D N Kesava Perumal (RA2211005020002) and Jey Prasanna were displayed their project titled “Smart Friend Assistance for Visually Impaired” and won the first prize which includes Rs. 50,000 and individual merit certificates in Project Day 2023 on 27.02.2023 and 28.02.2023.
Title:Smart Friend Assistance for Visually Impaired
Guide :Mr K Arulvendhan
Students:Tejasvi Raju (RA2211005020015), D N Kesava Perumal (RA2211005020002) and Jey Prasanna
Prize:First Prize, which includes Rs. 50,000 and individual merit certificates
Design and Implementation of Smart Driving Electric Vehicle
This project was carried out by Mr.Dheeraj Kumar, Mr.Mrigank Rishav and Mr.Dipraj Ghosh of 4th Year EEE in the emerging area of Electric Vehicle
With an impact on the challenges which the world is seriously facing now-a-days, viz., Global Warming and Increased Traffic Accidents as well as the highly positive impression created by the sophisticated and advanced Tesla cars, students from Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering involved in development of Smart Electric Vehicle. Mr.Dheeraj Kumar, Mr.Mrigank Rishav and Mr.Dipraj Ghosh, an enthusiastic team of Final year students analysed many accident cases happened in the city and developed an algorithm which is utilized to improve the control mechanisms to avoid the accidents effectively with very less carbon footprint. They demonstrated a prototype model of the proposed project and won 1st position (out of more than 130 projects participated) in the Electrical Sciences Stream with a cash Prize of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) during the Project day competitions held on 9th and 10th January 2020.
Power Lifting Competition
Mr. Aswin Doss of Second year EEE secured 3rd position in power lifting competition
Mr. Aswin Doss of Second year EEE student participated in power lifting competition organized by Tamilnadu power lifting association on 22nd Dec 2019 in Chennai. He achieved the 3rd position.
The Department of EEE at Ramapuram campus always encourages various extracurricular activities of its students.
This is one such a glimpse!
IOT based Solar Electric Vehicle
This project was carried out by Ms. Sonali Dash, Ms. Ritu Santra, Mr. Suda Yugandhar, Mr. Kiran Achari, Mr. Himanshu Thakre of 3rd year EEE and Mr.A.R.Nimesh Bhevan of 2nd Year EEE in the emerging area of Electric Vehicle
Ms. Sonali Dash, Ms. Ritu Santra, Mr. Suda Yugandhar, Mr. Kiran Achari, Mr. Himanshu Thakre and Mr.A.R.Nimesh Bhevan actively participated in the ‘India Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC) 2019’, a National level event, organized by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India and M/s. Texas Instruments. The Idea proposed by them was a IOT based solar Electric Vehicle. In the project, they proposed an idea of monitoring the battery of the electric vehicle using M2M technology and IOT. When the team proposed this idea to the contest, it was selected to semi-final round and provided with a kit worth US$ 200 to complete their project successfully.
The Department of EEE at Ramapuram Campus preparing its students towards Industry 4.0.
In this focus EEE students are offered with current research subjects such as Internet of Things(IOT), Electric Vehicles(EV), etc.
The Department of EEE proudly says that this success is due to the offering of such courses.
Come and experience this in the Department of EEE
E-App Power Consumption
This project was carried out by Mr. Arunish, Mr. Dishant Sharma and Mr. Chetan Singh of 3rd year EEE in the emerging area of App development
Mr. Arunish, Mr. Dishant Sharma and Mr. Chetan Singh of third year Electrical and Electronics Engineering students proposed a project titled “E-app Power Consumption” which is basically a way to measure energy consumed and to know the billing amount. Due to the various problems faced by residential and industrial population in knowing the units of power consumed and the billing amount till the measuring date, they came up with an idea of integrating Electrical, electronics and their computer knowledge in developing an application for knowing the above details as and when the consumer wants.
This project also entered DST Sponsored Texas Instruments (IICDC-2019) Semi-finals.
Major highlight of the Department of EEE is mini project and multi-disciplinary project.
Throughout their stay in EEE department, students are encouraged to do several projects in the new emerging areas and get well trained in core competency.
This achievement showcases the success of such project subjects.
Hand Gesture Controlled Robot
This project was carried out by Mr. Trishvanth.K and Mr. Roahith Kumar of 1st year EEE in the emerging area of Robotics
In the first year itself Department of EEE train its students in the advanced area and make them to come out with working models.
The EEE Department and its faculty members has such an expertise.
This first year students project experimentally verified robotic automation and won Rs.10,000/- in project day Competition
Though they are freshers to the engineering course, they have shown keen interest in the primary courses such as Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering to gain the fundamental knowledge about sensors so that they can be employed in some useful projects which can be used for the welfare of the society. Their proposed project is basically about using hand gestures to control the wheels of the cart to make them move in the desired direction which will be most helpful for patients in wheel chair as there won’t be much involvement for manual push.
Integrated Automatic Floor Warning, Alert and Evacuation System Using IOT
This project was carried out by Mr. Utkarsha Kumar Gupta, Mr. Ranik Debta and Mr. Prakhar Shah of 3rd year EEE in the emerging area of Internet of Things (IOT)
The project “Integrated Automatic Floor Warning, Alert and Evacuation System Using IOT” was submitted to IEEE Student Project Funding, 2019 – 2020 which was well reviewed and shortlisted to final round by the expert committee.
Mr. Utkarsha Kumar Gupta, Mr. Ranik Debta and Mr. Prakhar Shah proposed their vision project “Integrated Automatic Floor Warning, Alert and Evacuation System Using IOT”. They are motivated by various residential, commercial and industrial fire accidents happened across the world and their serious consequences. The proposed system will be used for eradicating the fire as soon as possible before it gets out of control. The system will also help in spreading the message of threat at a particular area by contacting necessary officials like fire station, police station, etc. This system will also help the stranded people by showing them safe exits.
Schneider Electric Innovation Challenge – Hachware 2019 – Runner up – Won Rs. 1.5 Lakh Cash Award
Mr. Vignesh Babu of 4th year Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department participated in Schneider Electric Innovation Challenge – Hachware 2019 and secured (Second Position) runner up with a Cash Award of Rs. 1.5 Lakh.
Mr. Vignesh Babu of 4th year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student participated in Hachware 2019 organised by Schneider Electric Innovation Challenge. This event had a total of 2571 registration across 29 states conducted during the period of 18th to 21st September, 2019. They presented the idea of “Hybrid Touch Screen Display for Industrial Applications”.
One of the major issue faced by industry is multi- touch and gesture control cant be implemented since the LCD display used is touch screen is resistive in nature. In their idea they made the combination of resistive LCD Touch and optical touch screen technology. The project was well recognized by the organisers and received the appreciations of audience and the juries. Mr. Vignesh secured second runner up and was awarded with a Cash prize of Rs.1,50,000/-.
The final year students of EEE department undergone acute training through industrial visits and various technical events organised throughout their entire four years to acquire knowledge and industry ready.
This is one such a glimpse!
Robotic Arm with Human Arm Interface
This project was carried out by Mr.A.R. Nimesh Bhevan, Mr.H.Yogesh, and Mr.M.Vinod of 2nd year EEE in the emerging area of IOT based floor warning fire alarm system
Mr.A.R. Nimesh Bhevan, Mr.H.Yogesh and Mr.M.Vinod enthusiastically participated and showcased their project titled “Robotic Arm With Human Arm Interface”. The basic objective of this project is to help the differently abled people in lifting the heavy object with the help of robotic interfaced arm. A small force applied by the arms can lift heavy objects with the aid of robotic arm.
Students develop their programming skills, Printed Circuit Board(PCB) designing and various other technical skills in gaining more practical knowledge through Value Added Course(VAC) offered by our institution in addition to the curriculum.
Their project attracted a Cash Award of INR 10,000 in project contest.
S.No Student Name Achievements 1. Arunish, III yr EEE (2017-2021)
Dishant Sharm, III yr EEE (2017-2021)
Chetan Singh, III yr EEE (2017-2021)“E-APP power consumption” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 2. Utkarsha Gupta, III yr EEE (2017-2021)
Ranik Debt, III yr EEE (2017-2021)
Adithya Mishra, III yr EEE (2017-2021)“Converting Sound Energy in to Electrical Energy” ” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 3. Sonali Dash, III yr EEE (2017-2021)
Ritu Santra, III yr EEE (2017-2021)
Suda Yugandhar, IIIyr EEE (2017-2021)
Kiran Achari, IIIyr EEE (2017-2021)
Himanshu Thakre, III yr EEE (2017-2021)Nimesh Bhevan, IIyr EEE (2017-2021)“IOT based Solar Electric Vehicle” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 4. Vignesh, IV year (2016-2020) Secured second runner up and won 1.5 Lakh cash award in “Schneider Hachware 2019” 5. Mr.Utkarsha Kumar Gupta, III yr EEE (2017-2021)
Mr. Ranik Debta, III yr EEE (2017-2021)
Mr. Prakhar Shah, III yr EEE (2017-2021)“Integrated Automatic Floor Warning, Alert and Evacuation System Using IOT” project got selected in IEEE SPF 2019-20 6. Trishvanth.K, I yr EEE(2019-2023)
Roahith Kumar, I yr EEE(2019-2023)Won 10,000 cash prize in Poject day, organized by SRMIST, Ramapuram campus under the title “Hand Gesture Controlled Robot” 7. A.R. Nimesh Bhevan, II yr EEE(2018-2022)
H.Yogesh, II yr EEE(2018-2022)
M.Vinod, II yr EEE(2018-2022)Won 10,000 cash prize in Poject day, organized by SRMIST, Ramapuram campus under the title “Robotic Arm With Human Arm Interface” 8. DHEERAJ KUMAR, IV yr EEE(2016-2020)
MRIGANK RISHAV, IV yr EEE(2016-2020)
DIPRAJ GHOSH, IV yr EEE(2016-2020)Won 50,000 cash prize in Poject day, organized by SRMIST, Ramapuram campus under the title “Design And Implementation Of Smart Driving Electric Vehicle”. 9. Aswin doss , II yr EEE(2018-2022) Secured 3rd place in power lifting organized by Tamilnadu power lifting association on 22nd Dec 2019 10. Utkarsh Kumar Gupta III yr EEE(2017-2021) Got scholarship of amount rupees 25,000 based on academic performance 11. Krishnapriya III yr EEE(2017-2021) Got scholarship of amount rupees 30,000 based on academic performance - Faculty Achievements
SI.No Name Designation Awards Date 1. Ms. K. Vijayalakshmi Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering silver medal, in Research day 2023 organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 24/02/2023. 2022
S.No Name of the Faculty Achievement State / National / International Received On Date 1 Dr.U.Arunkumar Published Patent-An Improved O-Shaped Metamaterial Solar Absorber Design With Broad Response For Renewable Energy Applications National 2023-12-22 00:00:00 2 Dr.K.N.Srinivas
Dr.S.Gayathri MonickaSmarter and Green Generation systems using Photovoltaics in Machine Learning Approach National 2023-11-22 00:00:00 3 Dr.Gayathri Monicka.S NPTEL-ELITE with SILVER in Cloud Computing National 2023-11-22 00:00:00 4 Dr.P.Srinivasan NPTEL-ELITE in Cloud Computing National 2023-11-22 00:00:00 5 Mr.K.Arulvendhan NPTEL-ELITE in Cloud Computing National 2023-11-22 00:00:00 6 Dr.P.Srinivasan
Mr.M.MoovendanPublished Patent – Supervisory Control, Monitoring and Data Acquisition for Remote Industry using Arduino National 2023-12-22 00:00:00 7 Mr.K.Arulvendhan Published Patent –An Improved Aqueous Lithium- Ion Battery with IOT Connectivity National 2023-09-22 00:00:00 8 Ms.K.Vijayalakshmi NPTEL-ELITE in Big Data National 2023-10-22 00:00:00 9 Ms.K.Vijayalakshmi NPTEL ELITE IN CLOUD COMPUTING National 2023-05-22 00:00:00 10 Ms.K.Vijayalakshmi DESIGNING A NANOSTRUCTURED PHOTOVOLTAICS ON SOLAR PANELS TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF SOLAR ENERGY UTILIZATION PATENT PUBLISHED National 2023-07-22 00:00:00 11 Mr.M.Moovendan
Mr.J.Ajay Daniel
Dr.V.MegalaPublished Patent - System & Design of wind Induced Pressure Prediction on Tall Buildings for Smart City National 2023-08-22 00:00:00 12 Dr.B.Siranthini Nano Coating of Super Capacitor on CAR to support recharging of EV's on the run efficiently National 2023-05-22 00:00:00 13 Mr.K.Arulvendhan Patent Granted- Afitting Assembly for
Tyre Inflation & Tyre RepairNational 2023-09-22 00:00:00 14 Dr.T.Jeya Shree Published patent - Machine learning approaches for improving the automatic solar light tracking system for energy efficiency National 2023-09-22 00:00:00 15 Dr.K.N.Srinivas, Dr.S.Gayathri Monicka.S
Ms.VijayalakshmiPublished patent-Smart monitoring using hybrid distributed generation system on IOT based automation National 2023-01-22 00:00:00 2019-2020
S.No Staff Name Achievements 1. Dr.K.N. Srinivas “Converting Sound Energy in to Electrical Energy” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 2. Dr. S. Gayathri Monicka “IOT based Smart Electric Vehicle” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 3. Dr.V.Megala A paper titled“Enhancement of corona onset voltage using PI/MWCNT nano composite on HV conductor” got published in IEEE transaction on Plasma Science. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2020.2979843 4. Mr. K. Arulvendhan “E-APP power consumption” project got selected in TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROJECT CONTEST 2019 5. Mrs.G.Ramya Secured GOLD MEDAL in NPTEL course for the course “Introduction to IOT” during MAY 2019