“You have within you the power to do anything you want.”
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of English and Other Foreign Languages
Organizes Motivational Talk on
For +1, +2, Diploma & UG students
Resource Person
Prof. I. C. Gupta, Ph.D
UGC (Government of India)
Subject Expert for Management and Tourism
Professor Emeritus, Oriental University, Indore
Date: 27.06.2022 Time: 10.30a.m – 12.00p.m
Free Registration through https://forms.gle/wKDerS18arxjjGu38
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83051657437?pwd=L0s2SWMvS0M2WkgwUDdBd2ZaVEc3QT09
E-certificate will be provided to all the participants
Convenor Co-Convenors
Dr. V. Rema Dr. S. Savitha
Professor & Head Ms. Afrin Khan