Organized by the Department of Chemistry
SRMIST, Ramapuram
The Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram organized the Inauguration of Virtual International Conference on Chemical Research for Sustainable Development (ICCRSD-2021) on 24.9.21 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am.
Dr.Helen P.Kavitha, HOD and Convener of the Conference welcomed the dignitaries, delegates and the participants.

Dean (E&T) delivered the felicitation address and highlighted the importance of chemical research to attain the goals of sustainable development of our nation.

Earlier, the conference proceedings were released by our Honourable Co-Chairman, SRM Group of Institutions, Ramapuram and Trichy campuses. The first copy of the proceedings was received by Dean (E&T).

Dr.K.Pitchumani, Vice Chancellor, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli delivered the inaugural address by stating the importance of carbon zero economy, metal criticality and consequences of climate change in the near future.

Registrar, SRMIST delivered the presidential address highlighting the role of chemists and chemical technology in solving the current environmental issues and strive towards sustainable development.

Director, Ramapuram campus gave a special address to the gathering highlighting the importance of translational research to strength our nation.