Greetings to all
Department of Chemistry SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ramapuram in association with Association of Chemistry Teachers conducted National Level
E -POSTER CONTEST on Carbon Capture and Sustainable Chemistry for Green World on 3-12-2021 for UG PG and Research scholars.
211 participants from 100 institutions across the states have registered and submitted their posters for the event.70 posters were selected and presented.
During the opening session of the E Poster Competition, Dr DV Prabhu General Secretary ACT ,
Prof Brijesh Pare President ACT and
Dr Raakhi Gupta, National Convener ACT Research Convention felicitated the event.
Earlier Dr Helen P.Kavitha HOD/ Chemistry welcomed the dignitaries and the participants.
A galaxy of eminent professors from various leading institutions were invited as the Juries for evaluating the presentations.
The presentations were held in three parallel sessions
Prize winners and all the presenters were given certificates.
ACT authorities thanked our Management for hosting this National Level Contest and recorded their gratitude.