Alumini Interaction – Er. M. Jeeva and Er. M. J Satish Anand

The SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, is organizing an alumni meet on 15th February 2024. This event is exclusively for alumni of B.Tech Civil Engineering, M.Tech Structural Engineering, and Construction Engineering and Management programs. The meet aims to foster connections between alumni, current students, and faculty members. It will…

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Alumni interaction – Mr. Ashutosh Mishra

Alumni interaction Mr. Ashutosh Mishra, Founder and CEO, BIM studio IND, Batch–2015–19.  He gave a presentation on Building Information Modelling. Explained the various levels of BIM. Presented his ongoing BIM projects and listed down the job opportunities as a BIM engineer. He shared the importance on “BIM-The Digital Transformation in Civil Engineering” field.

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Alumni interaction – Mr.M.G.Shyam Kumar

Alumni interaction  Mr.M.G.Shyam Kumar, Project Manager, Infra Build Construction solutions, Melbourne, Australia Batch- 2013 to 2017 Ideas given for choosing universities for higher studies and he shared the importance on Building Intelligent Management” in Civil Engineering field. Alumni interaction Mr. Ashutosh Mishra, Founder and CEO, BIM studio IND, Batch–2015 – 19.  He gave a presentation on…

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The department of Civil Engineering conducted a webinar on “Apron construction in airport” on July 28, 2020 from 10:00 to 11:30 AM exclusively for Diploma, +2 and UG,PG students, Faculties & Civil Professionals. As the world is battling against Covid 19 pandemic effectively, we the responsible citizen maintaining the social distancing conducted the webinar through…

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Career Opportunities for Diploma and Final year students

Glad to share that department of Civil engineering  has conducted a webinar on “Career Opportunities for Diploma students “ as an part of UG and Diploma students across the state as Webinar on 25th June. Mr.Rameshwaran, Asst. Prof., Civil Department welcomed the participants. Special address was given by Dr.T.Ch. Madhavi , HOD of civil department.…

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On august 1st, an alumni seminar was conducted in the library seminar hall. The 3rd and 4th year students of civil engineering and the faculties were present. Our passed out seniors- Souradeep and Pavangupta shared their experience in the university and in the field. They shared how they tackled the problems during their studying period and how they are working right now. They also shared about their experiences in the internship they underwent and motivated us to go to various internships and gain field knowledge. Pavangupta briefed about how to go about for higher studies and find our interests. They also told us the importance of the subjects we have now and how well we can make use of our professors. They also inspired us to do projects and learn our subjects deeply. We had a very healthy discussion and were able to clear our doubts. Overall, we were motivated and inspired by their experiences and this made us realize its never too late to dream and achieve our goal.

On 23rd July 2018, an alumni seminar was conducted in the Block –III, 601. The 3rd and4thyear students of B.Ttech civil engineering and the faculties were present. Our passed out M.Tech students- MOHAMED ASHIQ SALMAN M and ARAVINDH R A. They shared their experience in the university and in the field. They also shared about their Project experiences in University of DUNDEE, U.K as SAP (Semester Abroad Programme) students.
They motivated the students about SAP and knowledge gain. They briefed about how to go for higher studies and field interests. They also told about the importance of the subjects we have to learn and how well we can make use of our professors. They had a very healthy discussion and were able to clear doubts. Overall, they were motivated and shared their experiences and this made realize it’s never too late to dream and achieve our goal.