FemCodes-Women Coding Club and Department of IT

FemCodes-Women Coding Club and Department of IT Organize International Webinar Topic – Hardware (In) Security Join at ZOOM LINK:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87803811811?pwd=MVE5TTZEa0I0QVM2UlFSV1pVU2NkUT09 ?️ Saturday, 25th March 2023 ? 10am – 11am Speaker Mrs.Sai Sirisha, Hardware Security Researcher, TIP Testing & Qualification Center, Abu Dhabi, UAE.­­­Convener Dr. Rajeswari Mukesh, Professor & HOD/IT, SRMIST, Ramapuram.Co-Convener Dr.R.Mythili, A.P(S.G)/IT

Expert Talk 30 May 2022

EXPERT TALK 30 May 2022 WEBSITE REPORT The Department of English and other Foreign Languages organised an Expert talk on Using ‘Pragmatics and Project-based Learning to teach Academic Writing in a socially responsible Way’ by Dr. Roger Charles Nunn, Professor and Head of the Department of English at the American University of Sharjah on 30th…

Achiever’s Talk

Event Report EVENT TITLE: Alumni Brand Building Event on Achiever’s Talk DATE : 21.03.2023 TIME : 10.00 am to 12.00 Pm Venue: Gallery Hall  Event Convenor:Dr.Usha  Menon,Dean(Alumni), Dr.Rajeswari Mukesh, Coordinatot(Alumni)  Event Coordinators:   Dr.P.Ramani, Assistant Professor(SG)/ECE No. of Participants: 122  SPEAKER/S :Ms.Sudha Ganeshan   Mr.Nithin Kamlesh                                     Sony media and Marketing consultan Founder/CEO                                     Sony music entertainment pvt.…

Opportunities In Business

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai, Department of Computer Science and Engineering is organizing a Guest Lecture on “OPPORTUNITIES IN BUSINESS”. RESOURCE PERSON: Mrs . Vasanthi Subhash, Supply Planning Manager, Workforce Management, IMB India,DLF IT Park. Date:  24th  March ,2023  Time:10:00am  to 12:00pm Venue:Gallery Hall III Target Audience: I yr & II yr CSBS students Convener Dr.…

Recent Trends & Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks

Department of Information Technology  Oganizes  Guest Lecture  on “Recent Trends & Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks” Date:27.03.2023    01.30 PM to 3.30PM online mode:  https://meet.google.com/pdc-jmpp-gjq Guest  Name Mrs. S.Gokhila Priya   Technical Trainer,Skill Lync Chennai Convener Dr.Rajeswari Mukesh Head of the Department Department of Information Technology Event Organizers Dr.K.Danesh, AP.,IT.

Compiler Design

Department of Information Technology Organizes Seminar on “Compiler Design” Dr.G.Nagappan Professor/HOD Department of CSE Saveetha Engineering College Date: 15.03.2023         Time: 10a.m. – 11 a.m.  Convener Dr.Rajeswari Mukesh Head of the Department, Department of Information Technology Event Organizers Dr.R.Kavitha (AP/IT) Dr.R.Rathna (AP/IT)

Internals of Cybersecurity and Real-time Cyber Threats

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai, Department of Computer Science and Engineering is organizing  Seminar on “Internals of Cybersecurity and Real-time Cyber Threats”. Resource Person: Dr. Mahesh Kalyanaraman, Ph.D, Associate Vice President, Risk & Compliance, HCL Technologies Limited, Chennai Date: 21-03-2023 Topic: Internals of Cybersecurity and Real-time Cyber Threats Convener: Dr.K.Raja, HOD/CSE Co-Convener: Dr.Shiny Duela J, Associate…