NAME OF THE EVENT : Unbelievable Advances in Gaming Technology
DATE & TIME OF EVENT :26/05/2021,10:00 am to 11:00 am.
VENUE :Online through Google Meet
PARTICIPANTS :Exclusive for 11th, 12th Standard and Diploma Students.
Mr. M. Prabu -AP/CSE
Mrs. J. Caroline El Fiorenza -AP/CSE
Gaming Technology is evolving very quickly, through this event we want to enlighten about the new, emerging technology in Colour Grading with Adobe Lightroom. The Colour Grading Tool in Lightroom is arguably the biggest update the software has had in a long time. It’s an incredibly powerful tool for all types of photographers but it can just as easily make your images look horrible. Combination of the colour wheel and its sliders in order to fine-tune the colour.The technology aims to make a feature that is capable of producing stunning results easily and intuitively.
The event covers the following topics:
• Introduction about SRMIST, Ramapuram, Department of CSE and its specialization(AIML, CSBS, CS, IoT and BDA).
• What is the Color Grading Tool in Lightroom?
• How to use the Color Grading Tool?
• Tool layout and overview
• Adjust Icons, Color Wheels, Blending and Balance Sliders
• Hidden Hue and Saturation Sliders
• How to use the Color Grading Tool in Lightroom?
• Using the Color wheel and Sliders
• Color Grading Keyboard Shortcuts
• Color Grading in Adobe Photoshop