.DATE: 13-07-2020 to 17-07-2020
TIME: 10.30am-12.00pm
Title : Deep learning using Matlab and Python
Participants: Faculty Members and Research scholars –More than 250
The FDP was inaugurated by our beloved HOD Dr.N.Kannan. He addressed the participants with a motivational speech and narrated the importance of attending FDP. The session started with the welcome address by Mrs.M.S.Antony Vigil AP/CSE. She welcomed the participants of various institutions across India, Resource Persons and gave a brief idea about the Agenda of 5 days session.
Resource Persons:
1.Mr.Arumugam Palanivel,
Team Lead,
KPIT Technologies (Germany)
Experience: 9+ years of Industry Experience
2.Mr.Robert Jean,
Sr. Embedded Engineer,
ML Analyst,
Vistronics Design Solutions, Chennai
Experience: 12+ years of Industry Experience.
The session was divided into two phases
Phase 1 :Deep Learning with Matlab(Day 1 and Day 2)
Day 1: Image processing and Machine Learning concepts and Examples with MATLAB
Topics Covered:
Introduction of Image and Image Processing with examples, Histogram, Edge detection, Machine Learning concepts and explanation, Introduction of Machine Learning, Types of Machine Learning, Algorithms used for Machine Learning, Code Example: K means
Day 2:Convolution Neural Network with MATLAB :
Topics Covered:
Classical neural network and Drawbacks, CNN and explanation, Tools and APIs used for Deep Learning, Applications and advantages, Example(Training and Testing), Face detection and Recognition
Phase 2 :Deep Learning with Python(Day 3,Day 4 and Day 5)
Day 3:Introduction to AI and Recent Trends & Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Neural Networks, Feedforward Neural networks, Gradient Descent and the back-propagation algorithms, Regularization and Optimization, Difference between typical machine learning and deeplearning.
Practical Session: Introduction to Python Programming, Tensorflow and Keras. Making a Neural Network, training, and testing. Saving the best weights and model.
Day 4: Convolutional Neural Networks with Python – Part I:
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Convolution/Pooling layers, Some Standard CNN architectures like AlexNet, VGGNet.
Practice Session: Building a CNN model, CNN for image classification. Using Google Colab for building and training Deep Learning Models.
Day 5: Convolutional Neural Networks with Python– Part II:
More on CNN, ResNet and more recent networks, Transfer Learning, Autoencoders.
Practical Session: Using pretrained models, ApplyingResNet for specific problems.
Finally the event was concluded by Mrs.M.S.Bennet Praba , AP/CSE with a thanksgiving talk to the speakers for giving a wonderful session. Also she expressed the gratitude to Management, Director, Dean , HOD and participants. The participants expressed their deep satisfaction with positive feedback stating that FDP is more useful and got innovative ideas in continuing their Research work. They are very eager to attend more FDP based on the current trends in Research Area.

Faculty Co-ordinators
Mrs.M.S.Bennet Praba/AP/ CSE
Mrs. M.S. Antony Vigil/AP/CSE