An Interactive Course on Python for higher secondary school and diploma students.
Analysis of COVID-19 cases through Data Analytics using Python.
Date: 18/06/2020 – 21/06/2020 | Times: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
An Interactive Course on Python by the Logic Play Club. This Event is meant to make aware and increase the skill of higher secondary school and diploma students during the COVID-19 lockdown and engage them in meaningful activities.
Importance of the workshop
1) To educate the participants on the field of Object Orientated Programming.
2) To teach the participants about various shelves of programming.
3) To teach the participants to write small and efficient codes.
4) Get them sessions directly from Alumni in the same field.
5) To tell them about Industry 4.0 in detail.
6) To show the data analysis of COVID-19 cases through Python programming.
The session started off with an honorary gratitude to The Head of CSE Deprtment, SRM Ramapuram, Dr. N. Kannan, followed by a warm welcome speech by D.Deva Hema,AP/CSE . Post to that, we gave a welcome address to the participants and a presentation of the glory of the CSE Department of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram. With the session being and interactive one, in Day-1 Information on industry 4.0 , Data Structure, a few basics of Python programming, comparison and statements were discussed, giving everyone a basic idea of what the era of technology is. PriyankaSruti D, 4th Year CSE narrated the benefits of the CSE branch, SRM College and little information about her placement. This was followed by a SRM promo video. In Day -2 , session begun with a small recap of previous day sessions .The session had an in-depth explanation of Object Oriented Programming and demonstrated several real time examples. In Day-3, After a brief recap of the previous day, the session continued off with the NumPy, Panda DataFrame and it impacts on the real world applications. Ravi Ranjan 4th Year CSE also CEO & Founder of Dhobi G enlightened us with his detailed speech about start-ups and following one’s thought to achieve whatever one wants to achieve. Following to this he also spoke about Dhobi G and it’s functioning along with internship opportunities.In day-4,This session stated off with a detailed call back of what had been discussed in previous sessions. COVID -19 Data Analysis was the most anticipated session in the whole 4-day webinar event. Data of COVID-19 cases, recoveries and deaths of different countries all over the globe were analysed and future prediction were made.
Although all the participants were being interacted with, since the beginning of the first session, but this time the speakers were open to all kinds of questions from the participants.
With a couple of kind words from the side of our Faculty in charge, E.Saraswathi,AP/CSE, gratitude was expressed to all the participants and to the event organizing members of our Logic Play Club and our webinar was concluded.
- Shivendra Kumar Jha,
- Sejal Gupta,
- YuvanShanker,
- SathyaNarayana,
- SaiHiranmayee,
- Sowjanya