Research Opportunities in Advanced Functional Materials

DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY organizes Six Day Faculty Development Program on Research Opportunities in Advanced Functional Materials Date: 30.09.2024 to 05.10.2024 Time: 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm The first day (30.09.2024) of the FDP program started with Thamizhthai Vazhthu. Dr. M. Sakthi Ganesh, Dean (E&T) during his special address insisted on the importance of functional materials…


DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Faculty of Engineering and Technology In Association With ASSOCIATION OF CHEMISTRY TEACHERS, MUMBAI National Conference on RECENT ADVANCEMENTS IN CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (RACES–2024) [27-09-2024] REPORT The Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai, organized a National Conference on “RECENT ADVANCEMENTS IN…

Audizione II (Saturday Event)

Event Title: Audizione II (Saturday Event) Date:14th September 2024 Organizing committee:  Faculty of Engineering and Technology IQAC in association with Campus Life Team No. of Participants: 140 Description of the Event/Objective: An event at which anyone is allowed to sing, dance, performing music and standup comedy etc.. on stage. As a part of Campus life…

The Evolution of Java: Recent Trends and Future Insights

 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, Department of Computer Science and Engineering organizes Guest Lecture on “The Evolution of Java: Recent Trends and Future Insights ”Resource Person:Mr.Surendra Raja B,R & D Engineer,Finzly Date: 27.09.2024 Timing: 09.00 am to 12.00 pm Target Audience: III Year CSE and Specialization Students Venue: AV Hall Convener:Dr. K. Raja,  HoD/CSE Co- conveners:Ms.K.Subha ,AP/CSEMs.G.D.Meivezhi,  AP/CSE

Internet of Things

Duration      :           27th August 2024 to 31st August 2024 9.00am -3.30pm Mode           :           Physical Venue          :           Project Lab BMS Block 7th Floor Participants:           35 Objective     :          To share the knowledge on Internet of Things using Arduino Uno IDE. Resource Persons Profile:  KumaraGuru S      Senior Technical Trainer – Training and Development      ICT Academy of…

Audizione I (Saturday Event)

Event Title: Audizione I (Saturday Event) Date:24th August 2024 Organizing committee:  Faculty of Engineering and Technology Campus Life Team. No. of Participants: 140 Description of the Event/Objective: An event at which anyone is allowed to sing, dance, performing music and standup comedy etc.. on stage. As a part of Campus life activities Audizione I for…


Day-1 The campus life, Faculty of Engineering and technology, SRMIST Ramapuram Campus organized the HOSTEL EVENTS on 10.08.2024.  During the  session First Year E&T students are assembled in respective hostels and events has been discussed by the Campus life Staff Coordinators and Student members of Campus life.  Several indoor and outdoor games have been conducted…


The Campus Life, Faculty of  Engineering and Technology, SRMIST Ramapuram celebrated the Onam Celebrations   on 20.09.2024.  Right after the decorations are done routine rituals are followed for   the Celebrations.   The programme was inaugurated with lighting the kuthuvilakku by  Dean(E&T),VP(Admin),Assistant Dean (Campus Life),HODs Institution Coordinator, Department  Coordinators, Campus Life & NSS Student members followed by Traditional…

Recent trends in Machine Learning and its applications

SRM Institute of Science & Technology Department of Mathematics Faculty of Engineering and Technology Events Report Event Title                     :    Expert Talk on “Recent trends in Machine Learning and its applications” Date                              :    28.09.2024 Time                              :    02.00 PM Venue                            :   Online Event Convenor             : Dr. Shakeela Sathish Event Coordinators  :   Dr. Shakeela Sathish No. of Participants…