DATE : 13.09.2022
TIME: 10:30 am – 11:30 am
As a part of First Year Orientation Program, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized the Alumni Interaction on 13-September-2022 at 10:30am to 11:30am. The session is entitled with “BENEFITS OF STUDYING IN A MULTICULTURAL ENVIRONMENT”.
Ms. SHIVANI (SRMIST, CSE Alumni Batch 2015-2019), Senior software developer , Psiog Digital, Chennai, she shared her campus life memories and her past academic experience with the students. She highlighted the important benefits of studying in multicultural university environment:
· Elasticity to adjust
- Increased awareness of culture
· Discover to labor in a multi-cultural team
- Gain knowledge of different languages
· Brighter opportunities
Finally, she thanked Dr. M Murali Krishna, Dean(E&T), Dr. K. Raja, Head of the Department, CSE and the Alumni coordinators Ms.R. Angeline, Assistant Professor, CSE, Mr.M. Prabu, Assistant Professor, CSE, Mr. G.L. Dinesh Babu, Assistant Professor, CSE, Ms. L. Sasikala Assistant Professor, CSE for providing this wonderful opportunity.