Report on Alumni Talk Series-04 Expert Talk on “IT Service Management and Operations” on 26.08.2022
As a part of Academic Events of the Year 2020-21 Department of Information Technology organized an Expert talk on “IT Service management and operations “on 26.08.2022 exclusively for UG Students. The event is wrapped with Technical talk about the “IT Service management and operations”. Dr.Rajeswari Mukesh, Professor-HOD/IT is the Convener of the Event & Dr.P.Santhosh Kumar AP/IT and K.Danesh AP/IT are the Co-coordinators of the event to be held.
No of Participants: 90
Resource Person
Mr.Kunnal Vasanth
CEO, Signature Frames, Chennai
Alumnus – B. Tech. (IT), SRMIST, RMP – Batch 2016-2020
The Alumni Talk Series Event started with the welcome speech by Dr.Mythili R AP/IT followed by Ms.Fiza, who introduced the speaker. The floor was then left open to our alumnus who is the resource person. Mr. Kunnal gave a beautiful insight into the IT Service management and operations. He also focused on the motivational talk for the students. The session was highly interactive and all students raised their queries and this was much appreciated by the speaker and He cleared all their queries. At the end of the session the speaker was honored by Dr.B.Dwaraknath AP/IT with the memento. Finally, the session ended up with Vote of Thanks which was delivered by Dr.P.Santhosh Kumar AP/IT, who thanked the Management, Department, our alumni and the students for such an interactive and highly productive session.