DATE OF VISIT: 24.07.2019
A batch of 2nd year B.Tech civil students and two staff coordinators visited the construction site at Adyar on 24.07.2019. This construction site is four storey apartment building
Project Engineer Mr. Sathish Kumar explained about the plan and construction techniques of the building. He also added about the sustainable materials used in the building, like the brick derived from the steel slag ,etc
He motivated students to study further and gain good experience in the field by updating themselves now and then. During this session, students interacted with the project engineer and other members very effectively. Particularly, they raised questions based on their theoretical knowledge and tried to compare it practically. The plan of each stage was explained with reference to the process. They were also informed about each and every material used and how it is tested was demonstrated. The laborersin the site were provided with necessary safety equipment for working.