The International Virtual Conference on “Progress in Mathematics towards Industrial Applica- tions” was organized by the Department of Mathematics, SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Ramapuram campus, Chennai, India on 28th and 29th October 2022.
It was aimed to promote interaction between academy and industry, leading to innovation in both fields and providing unique opportunity to discuss the latest ideas, problems and methodologies, and contributing to the advancement of science and technology to benefit the society.
Inaugural Function:
28th October 2022
Time: 10.00 AM – 10.30 AM
Chief Guest:
Prof. Shaomin Wu Kent Business School University of Kent, UK
The conference commenced with the inaugural function on 28th October at 10.00 A.M. with invocation song and digital lighting of lamp. The Head of the Department and Convener of the conference, welcomed the gathering and gave an overview of the Conference.
Dean (E&T) in his felicitation address said that an application of Mathematics in industry aims to answer specific questions of immediate and direct concern, which is need of the hour. He appreciated the Department of Mathematics for organizing such knowledge sharing sessions.
Chief Director in his Presidential Address mentioned that, researchers in academia and industry must adapt their mentalities to the different Mathematical and scientific domains they interact with, and disseminate best practices.
Prof. Shaomin Wu in his inaugural address expressed that Mathematics plays a crucial role as it provides a logically coherent framework to industry and a universal language for the analysis, simulation, optimization, and control of industrial processes.
The Respectable Chairman of Ramapuram and Trichy Campuses honoured the conference by releasing the Conference Proceedings.
Eminent Resource Persons from all over the world were invited as keynote speakers to have a fruitful discussion and to share the knowledge among participants.
- Prof. Tingwen Huang
Professor Science, Texas A&M (Qatar) University, Qatar
Several Optimization Problems in Smart Grid
- Prof. Ronit Mansour AL-Qasemi Academy
(R.A) Academic College of Education, Israel
Poincar´e polynomial at -1 associated with a Young Diagram of Three Rows
- Prof. Gennaro Infante Department of Mathematics University of Calabria, Italy
On the Solvability of a Parameter-Dependent Cantilever-Type BVP
- Prof. Corina Rotar
Computer Science Department ’1 Decembrie 1918 University’ Alba Iulia, Romania
Topic: Evolutionary Algorithms in Optimization
- Prof. D. Datta
Former Scientist, H+, BARC, Mumbai, India
Feature Selection and Machine Learning Model to Classify Breast Cancer (Benign or Ma- lignant) Using Ensemble Learning
- Prof. Ayman Badawi
American University of Sharjah, UAE
Some results on Graphs from Rings
- Prof. Zhaojun Steven Li
Department of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management Western New England University, MA
United States
Topic: Challenges and Opportunities to Bridge the Gap between Math/Stat and Engineer- ing problems
There was an overwhelming response from the participants. Every session was attended by faculty members and research scholars from all over the world.
More than 250 papers were received. Out of that selected 215 papers were presented at the conference in 3 parallel sessions and are published in the conference proceedings.
During the valedictory function VP Academic, congratulated the Department of Mathematics for successfully conducting the International virtual conference and appreciated the efforts taken by the department in setting high benchmark for any international conference.
The Director, SRM group of institutions, Ramapuram insisted that the Mathematics community and industry should work together on real opportunities in applications to benifit the mankind.
The guest of honour of the Valedictory function, Prof. Daniel Breaz, Rector of “1 Decembrie 1918 University”, Alba Iulia, Romania, encouraged the Mathematics community to explore ways of stimulating and intensifying the collobaration between Mathematics and industry.
The convener of the program, briefed the Conference report. Dr. R. Srinivasan, one of the coordinators, proposed the vote of thanks.
The participants had a very productive interactive sessions with the guest speakers followed by question – answer session. The intensive exposure to the subject, elaborative presentations and discussions led by globally renowned multiple experts; renewed the motivation of the participants. Overall, the conference was very successful and opened new avenues for the participants in collaborating with industry.