Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Event Report
EVENT TITLE : First Year Orientation Program-Aug 2023-
Examinations (Internal & University Exams)
Date : 18.08.2023
Time : AN: 12.30 to 1.30 pm
Venue : Admin Block 804
Event Convenor : Dr. Phani Kumar Polasi, HOD-ECE
Event Coordinators : Mr Vinothkumar G, Dr Nagarajan S, Asst. Professor/ECE
No. of Participants : 190
Summary of the Event:
The Department of ECE has organized a Talk on “Industrial Interaction and Industrial Visit” for I Year ECE Students on 18.08.2023. Mr Vinothkumar welcomed the dignitaries and briefed about the Industrial Interaction and Industrial Visit. The speakers Mr Vinothkumar & Dr Nagarajan S briefed the below points.
- List of Industries tie-up (MOU) with SRMIST, ECE Department.
- Activities conducted through MOUs company
- Benefits of MOUs
- List of Industries Visited for students
- Benefits of Industrial Visits
Speaker 1: Mr Vinothkumar G, Assistant Professor/ECE

Speaker 2: Dr S Nagarajan, Assistant Professor/ECE