Name of the Club: SlugNPlug | Name of the Event: Quizzeria
Date of Event: June 11th, 2020, 10:00 am to 11:30 am | Platform: Google meet
Participants: +2 and Diploma Students
Co-ordinators: Mrs. A. Vidyavani, A.P(O.G.) | Mrs. C. Ashwini, A.P(O.G.)
The session started with a welcome address to the participants. Then they were introduced to the club and the topics which would be covered in the quiz. The introduction speech was given by Yashwanth.
Next, the participants were explained about the Kahoot environment. Chunduri Aditya explained the participants about the Kahoot. They were explained about the marking scheme of the quiz. There were total of fifty four quiz questions. The participants were given a time of thirty seconds to answer each question.
The quiz was hosted by Shreyas. The participants were very active during the session. They were very excited about the quiz.The lively session came to an end with the announcement of the winners of the quiz. The participants were then asked to put forth their feedbacks and suggestions. Vote of Thanks and the announcement of the winners was done by Yashwanth.