G20 Presidency Of India

G20 PRESIDENCY OF INDIA CAMPUS LIFE EVENTS -INSTITUTE LEVEL CROSSWORD COMPETITION In light of India’s presidency at the 2023 G20 summit, Campus Life of SRM IST, Faculty of Engineering and Technology organized Institute level Crossword Competition. THEME: Vasudhaiva kutumbakam or One earth one family one future DATE: 5th April 2023 TIME: 1.30 P.M VENUE: Hall…

Project EXPO

Event Details: PROJECT EXPO Date: 24THMARCH 2023 Time: 11.30am -3.30pm Poster: Department of ECE and EKE, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus organized “PROJECT EXPO”,a project competition for the students of ECE and EKE  on 24 March 2023.The competition was held to focus on the importance of project & practical implementations of innovative…

Telugu New Year Celebrations 2023

The campus life, Faculty of Engineering and technology, SRMIST Ramapuram Campus celebrated The Telugu New Year, (Ugadi)  on 22.03.2023.  Right after the decorations are done,  routine rituals are followed for  prayer song, lighting the Kuthuvizhaku and the auspicious puja.  Sweet Pongal  and special pachadi offered as prasadam  to all the HODs, Faculties and students.   Respected…

Role of IT and Career Prospects in IT

Greetings from the Department of IT, SRMIST, Ramapuram, Chennai !!!It gives us immense pleasure in welcoming you all for the Outreach Program on “Role of IT and Career Prospects in IT” on 31.03.2023 Speaker: Mr. Agnel Joshua Raj               Batch 2020-2024               Co-Founder and Director,…

FemCodes-Women Coding Club and Department of IT

FemCodes-Women Coding Club and Department of IT Organize International Webinar Topic – Hardware (In) Security Join at ZOOM LINK:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87803811811?pwd=MVE5TTZEa0I0QVM2UlFSV1pVU2NkUT09 ?️ Saturday, 25th March 2023 ? 10am – 11am Speaker Mrs.Sai Sirisha, Hardware Security Researcher, TIP Testing & Qualification Center, Abu Dhabi, UAE.­­­Convener Dr. Rajeswari Mukesh, Professor & HOD/IT, SRMIST, Ramapuram.Co-Convener Dr.R.Mythili, A.P(S.G)/IT