Lab facilities
The Chemistry Department has fully equipped laboratories to cater to the needs of B.Tech, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil and Ph.D Students. The facilities available in the Department include Spectrophotometer, Digital Melting Point Apparatus, Rotary Vacuum Evaporator, Calorimeter, Potentiometer, Photo catalytic Chamber, Ultra Sonicator, Autoclave etc.
Smart Class room
With respect to the conscious effort to provide the benefits of modern technology directly to the students of our college almost all the classrooms are well-equipped with the latest technology an integrated Thin client SMART board (Special Media And Responsive Technology). These rooms include a standard PC server/Media Lectern, projector, touch screen, speakers, amplifier, microphone and source switch control system. Our faculties are well-equipped and trained to use this new technology and deliver their lectures in the best method available.
This Smart Board is an interactive whiteboard that uses touch detection for user input in the same way as normal PC input devices. The Smart Board 800 series interactive whiteboard introduced a ‘flick and scroll’ feature.