Event Name: Webinar on Advanced Trends in IoT
Date: 29.04.2021
Time:11.00 AM to 12 Noon
Resource person: Dr.R.Vijayarajeswaran,
Managing Director
Vi Microsystems Pvt.Ltd.
Name of the Convenor: Dr. Phani Kumar Polasi, HOD
Name of the Coordinators:
1. Dr.V.Kamatchi Sundari
2.Mrs.M. Aarthi Elaveini
Participants: First and Second year B.Tech EKE Students, SRMIST, Ramapuram
The Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, SRMIST, Ramapuram organized a Webinar on “Advanced Trends in IoT” for first and second year B.Tech EKE Students SRMIST, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai.
The program started with a Welcome speech by Dr.V.Kamatchi Sundari. The session started with an introduction to IoT and industrial applications of IoT were explained with simulating tools.
There were close to 85 participants from the students of EKE
The following were the benefits to the participants
• Basics of IoT
• Awareness of IoT in Industries
• Gateways to Cloud
Finally Vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs.M. Aarthi Elaveini.