Department of Mathematics,
SRMIST Ramapuram
is organizing an expert talk on
Ways to handle life’s stressors
by Dr.B.Sudhakaran
Assistant Professor
Department of clinical psychology
Institute of mental health
Kilpauk Medical College
Date: 13.08.2022
Time: 03.00 PM
exclusively for Students & Teachers.
The session started with felicitation by Dean E&T, he appreciated the Department for organizing this program.
Dr. B. Sudhakaran started the session by explaining different types of stress experienced by a student and a teacher in a classroom and ways to handle the stress.
Dr. Sudhakaran explained about Eustress vs Distress – Eustress is positive stress which motives, focuses and improves performance in contrast, Distress causes anxiety, decreases one’s performance, can lead to physical and mental problems.
Dr. Sudhakaran suggested many ways to handle stress – by preparing oneself for the changes, finding and protecting time to refresh, re-energize and re-motivate, regular exercises and many more.
Dr. Sudhakaran conducted an open forum for the participants, where the participants enthusiastically raised many queries to manage stress. Dr. Sudhakaran patiently responded to all their queries. Participants profusely thanked him for answering all their queries. More than 100 participants participated in the session.