Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized Teacher’s Day Celebration for excelling and appreciating the efforts taken by all the teaching faculty members. The programme was started with an Introduction of the importance of Teachers for the Society and the impact of teaching in all fields. Since Teachers create all professions, they were appreciated by all the students of CSE, starting from Alumni, Final year, Third year and Second year Students. They created AV and played to pay their thanks on this special Day. Then as a part of Icebreaking environment, a Technical Connection and Logo Quiz game was played. All the faculty members were actively participated. Hod of CSE Dr.N.Kannan, appreciated all the Students for their initiation in this event and encouraged all the faculty members for their profession.
Interactive feedback was given by few of faculty members. The event was ended by Vote of thanks from the Coordinator Mrs.R.Sathya, AP / CSE.