Date: 03/07/2020 Time: 05:00 PM – 06:00 PM
Resource Person:
Associate Professor
Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sangunthala
R&D Institute of Science and Technology.
Importance of the workshop
1) Introduction to Li-Fi Technology
2) Wi-fi and Li-Fi
3) Architecture of Li-Fi
4) Applications of Li-Fi
5) Challenges and students projects
6) Research gaps in Li-Fi
The session started with the welcome address by Mrs.Ashwini.C-AP/CSE. She welcomed the Faculties, Research Scholars and Students from other Colleges/Universities and gave the information brief about the Event Agenda. The session started by explaining the participants about our prestigious Institution and the Department, Placements, Academic, Events, Other Activities, etc.Head of the Department Dr.N.Kannan addressed the gathering and shared his vision about the Institution and Department. He lent his wisdom and motivated the participants to learn something new in this pandemic period and wished them luck for their academic career.
Dr. T. Veeramakali started her presentation by introducing herself with her nature of work and she made participants to satisfy about her eligibility to be a resource person. She started with Introduction about Li-Fi Technology. Later she explained the difference between Wi-Fi and Li-Fi, architectures and also She explained about the various applications of Li-Fi along with the challenges in the Li-Fi for the students projects and she gave the research challenges in the Li-Fi for the research scholars. She also clarified the doubts raised by e the participants at the end of the session.
To end up the Session, vote of thanks was given by Mrs. G. Saranya , AP/CSE, thanking all the participants for their support and cooperation. Also he thanked the Resource person and HOD sir for their valuable time spent on this event.

Webinar Convener
Dr. N.Kannan, HOD/CSE
Faculty Coordinators:
Mrs. C. Ashwini,AP/CSE
Mrs. G. Saranya,AP/CSE