Title: Impact Series on “Mentorship for creation of Innovation Startups”
Date: 29.7.2022 Time: 10.00am to 12.00pm
Resource Person:
Mr.Vimal Thiyagarajan, CEO & Founder,
Be Positive Training Academy, Chennai
Reg Link https://tinyurl.com/mpact29FN
Meet link: https://meet.google.com/zio-wbjz-tdu
Faculty Coordinators Co-Convener Convener
Dr. V.Megala, AP (Sr.G)/ECE Dr.K.Raja Dr.G.Prabhakaran
Mrs.R.Sathya, AP (Sr.G)/CSE IIC Vice President & IIC President &
Mrs. Supraja G, AP /ECE HoD/CSE VP Academic