Event Title : International Guest Lecture ”What is Gaussianity in Noncommutative Probability? And, Why do we care?”
Date : 29.11.2024
Time : 10.30 AM
Venue : Online
Event Convenor : Dr. Shakeela Sathish
Event Coordinator : Dr. Shakeela Sathish
No. of Participants : 150
Resource Person : Dr. Tiju Cherian John
Research Scientist
Wyant College of Optical Sciences
The University of Arizona Tucson, AZ, USA
Summary of the Event :
Dr. Tiju Cherian started the session by explaining basic termologies related to probability. He extended his talk by emphasizing the difference between simple and general random variables. He explained about the Indicator function and it’s importance.
Dr. Tiju Cherian mentioned the importance of probability model and extended this model to quantum probability.
Dr. Tiju Cherian concluded the session by summarising the practical importance of the Gaussian theory in laser light, fluorescent light and many more. Nearly 100 participants joined the session. There was an active and enthusiastic participation during the question answer session.