Title: Industrial Application of Sensors
Date: 27.08.2021
Time:11.00 AM to 12 .30 PM
Resource person:
Mr. Ranganathan. RGeneral Manager and Head of Presales
Target Audience: III EKE, IV ECE
Registration Fee: Free
Name of the Coordinators:
1.Dr.V.Kamatchi Sundari
Dr. Phani Kumar Polasi
Annexure 3:
Dear Sir/Madam,
GREETINGS from EKE and ECE Department, SRMIST,Ramapuram
It gives us immense pleasure to welcome you all to the “Webinar on
Industrial Application of Sensors
NO Registration Fee
For queries contact: 9952041393
KINDLY encourage faculty, students, and research scholars from your organization to participate in this program and make it a success .