Linear algebra is a branch of mathe maticsthatis widely used through out science and engineering as it allows to model natural phenomena and to compute them efficiently.Linear algebra is concerned primarily with mathematical systems of a particular type(called vector spaces), functions of a particular type(called linear mappings), and the algebraic representation of such functions by matrices.
The Department of Mathematics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, organized a guest lecture on the title “Relation between linear maps and matrices” as a part of Faculty Development Programme on 19th September 2018.
The Guest lecture commenced at 2.00 P.M with the welcome address by Dr. Shakeela Sathish, Head, Department of Mathematics. The Guest Speaker was Dr. S. Senthamarai Kannan, Professor, Chennai Mathematical Institute.
Dr. Senthamarai Kannan began his lecture by explaining the basic concepts related to the topic such asabelian group, linearly independent vectors, generator of a vector space, basis of the vector space, linear map through examples. Properties of linear maps and composition of two linear maps were further expounded. Uniqueness of the expression of vector as a linear combination from thebasis was discussed in detail.
The theorem on linear map as an isomorphism of vector space which is also an isomorphism of rings with reference to the standard basis of the vector space was explained with proof. Finally, the corollary on change of basis was elucidated where different basis of the vector space were considered and the linear map between them was interpreted by matrices.
Dr. K. Bhavani, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics proposed the vote of thanks. The lecture was fruitful, with faculty members much benefited from it.