The Civil Department of SRM IST, RAMAPURAM has organized decennial celebrations on 13.09.2019 at TRP auditorium. The chief guest was Mr.A.R.Santhakumar, Former Emeritus Professor, IIT, Chennai. The special guest for the function was Er.K.karthik, President of Chennai Civil Engineering Association (ACCE) Chennai region. The Dean (E&T), Vice Principal (academic), Head of civil engineering department were the dignitaries on the dias.
The placement offer letters were provided to the selected students. The inaugural function ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. D.Senthilvelan.
The chief guest Mr.A.R.Santhakumar gave a lecture on Retrofitting of structures. This was followed by many cultural events like music, dance and singing. After that games were conducted for the faculty members like cookery and Super over for men’s faculty and slow biking and lemon and spoon for women’s faculty.
On the whole, the celebration included a lot of memories which was cherished all along the ten years and the years to come.