Ramapuram Campus
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
International Virtual Conference
Date: 24.09.2021 & 25.09.2021
Conference Committee
Chief Patrons
Dr T. R. Paarivendhar
Honorable Founder & Chancellor
Dr. R. Sivakumar
Chairman, SRM Group of Institutions
Ramapuram Campus & Trichy Campus
Mr. S. Niranjan
Co-Chairman, SRM Group of Institutions
Ramapuram Campus & Trichy Campus
Dr. C.Muthamizhchelvan
Vice Chancellor
Dr. S. Ponnusamy
Dr.N. Sethuraman,
Chief Director, Ramapuram
Dr. V. Subbiah Bharathi
Director, Ramapuram.
Dr. M. Murali Krishna
Dean (E &T),Ramapuram
Dr. B. Venkatachalapathy
Dean (Research), Ramapuram
Prof. Helen P. Kavitha
Head-Department of Chemistry
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Ramapuram Campus, Chennai-89
Dr. R. Kavipriya, SRMIST, Ramapuram
Dr. S. Arulmurugan, SRMIST, Ramapuram
Advisory Committee
Prof. Vicki Gardener, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Australia
Prof Yeap Guan Yeow, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof Santiago Gomez Ruiz, URJC, Mostoles, Spain
Dr. Ponnadurai Ramasami, University of Mauritius, Mauritius.
Dr Amir Karton, The University of Western Australia, Australia.
Dr. C.V.S. Brahmmananda Rao , IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Prof. D. V. Prabhu, Wilson College, Mumbai
Prof. Brijesh Pare, Madhav Science College (PG), Ujjain
Prof M Swaminathan
Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil
Prof. Radha Jayaram, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai
Dr. Kaviyarasu Kasinathan, University of South Africa, South Africa
Dr. R. Karvembu, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India
Dr. Nishima Wangoo, U.I.E.T, Panjab University, Chandigarh
Dr . R. Venkatraman, Periyar E. V. R College, Trichirapalli
Local Organising Committee
Dr. A. Anand Babu Christus
Dr. K. S. Yoganand
Dr. N. Balasubramanian
Dr. P. Arthi
Dr. A. Arun
Dr. M. Riswan Ahamed
Dr. T. V. Rajendran
Dr. K. Hema
Dr. S. Ushanandhini
Dr. B. Senthil
Dr. S. Vasthi Gnanarani
Dr. G. Praveen Kumar
SRM Institute of Science and Technology is one of the top ranking universities in India with over 52,000 students and more than 3200 faculty across all the campuses offering a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs Engineering & Technology, Management, Medicine & Health sciences, Science & Humanities, Law and Agricultural Sciences. SRMIST has been accredited by NAAC with the Highest ‘A++’ Grade in the year 2018 and is placed in Category I with 12 B Status by MHRD-UGC. SRMIST has been ranked 35 nationally under Universities Category by NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework) in 2020. It regularly gets ranked by world ranking agencies like QS (UK) and Times Higher Education (UK). SRMIST is globally rated as ‘Four Star’ University by renowned ranking agency QS and given ‘Diamond’ Rating by QS-IGAUGE in Indian context.
About SRMIST Ramapuram Campus
The Faculty of Engineering & Technology and Management Studies of SRM University started functioning at Ramapuram Campus in the academic year 2004 -2005. Ramapuram campus offers UG programs in 6 branches of Engineering. It also offers B.Arch, BCA, B.Com, B.Sc, Bio-Tech, Visual Communication and Film Technology programs. PG programs are offered in MBA and MCA. Ph.D. programs are offered in the campus. A continuous emphasis on modern teaching methods, global links for research, student’s abroad programs, MOUs with National/International organizations and Industry Institute interactions have placed SRM well ahead in every field. Ramapuram campus spread over 25 acres and situated within the city with more than 10,000 students and 400 faculty members, has won world wide recognition and public acceptance. The Institution has excellent infrastructure facilities including well equipped laboratories, smart class rooms and modern library.
The Department of Chemistry at the Ramapuram campus is focused on imparting knowledge in the applied aspects of Chemistry to the budding engineers through quality teaching, besides promoting research activities and consultancy. The Department offers B. Sc and Ph.D programs in Chemistry. The Department is well equipped with state of art laboratory facilities to cater to the needs of B. Tech, B. Sc and Ph. D scholars. Our faculty members and research scholars are actively involved in research in the areas of organic synthesis, nano material synthesis, crystal structure solving, theoretical chemistry, docking studies, computational studies, polymer synthesis, Effluent Treatment, Dye Degradation, Photo catalytic activities etc. The Department has tie-ups with recognized institutions and R&D Laboratories for research activities.
Chemistry plays an essential role in helping society achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Green chemistry aims at making chemistry more energy efficient, at reducing waste disposal, and/or producing innovative products with less consumption of natural resources. Alternative processes and reaction pathways are designed, new materials and products are developed contributing to meet our needs today, but with taking more care of the interests of future generations. Opportunities for new chemical research, green and sustainable chemistry education, green and sustainable chemical manufacturing practices, and a sense of social responsibility are crucial for the current and future chemists to protect the planet. Health researchers are working on new diagnostic methods, assistive technologies as well as delivering reports to underpin health policy. There is also a need to find more efficient, cleaner and sustainable sources of energy and focus on energy research to enhance national competiveness. This Conference aims to be a forum for scientists, researchers, industrialists from different parts of the country and abroad to interact and exchange ideas, information and share knowledge in the diverse field of research towards achieving sustainability.
Call for Papers
Abstracts of research papers in the following thrust areas are invited for Oral / Poster presentations. The abstract must be restricted to 300 – 500 words. The name of the presenting author should be underlined and corresponding author indicated by an asterisk. The abstract should be neatly typed in Times New Roman, 12 points with 1.5 line spacing. The participants will be intimated about the acceptance of their abstracts through email. E-book of abstracts will be published during the conference. There will be Awards for BEST PAPER PRESENTATION.
Abstracts should be submitted to by September 15th 2021.
Submission of Abstract Deadline : 15th September 2021
Notification of Acceptance : 17th September 2021
Registration Deadline : 20th September 2021
Full length Article Deadline : 22th September 2021
- Green Chemistry
- Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry and Technology
- Polymer Chemistry
- Natural Product Chemistry
- Computational Chemistry
- Material Science and Nanotechnology
- Energy Science and Technology
- Bio Inorganic Chemistry
- Synthetic Organic Chemistry
- Recent advances in Spectroscopy
- Supramolecular Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Electrochemistry
- Coordination Chemistry
- Chemical and Biological Sensors
- Research papers in other relevant fields of Chemical Research
Participation certificate will be given to only registered participants who attend a minimum of 6 sessions.
Free Registration
Scan to Register
Dr. Santiago Gómez-Ruiz
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry,
Department of Biology and Geology,
Physics and Inorganic Chemistry,
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
Dr. Ponnadurai Ramasami
Computational Chemistry Group,
Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science, University of Mauritius,
Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg,
Professor Extraordinarius,
University of South Africa.
Dr Amir Karton
Associate Professor
ARC Future Fellow
School of Molecular Sciences
The University of Western Australia
Perth, Australia
Dr. Kaviyarasu Kasinathan
Research Scientist
iThemba LABS
Materials Research Group
University of South Africa
Dr. R. Karvembu
Department of Chemistry
National Institute of Technology
Trichy, India
Dr. Nishima Wangoo,
Assistant Professor and INSPIRE Faculty,
Applied Sciences (Chemistry),
U.I.E.T, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
Dr. C.V.S. Brahmmananda Rao
Head, Solution Chemistry & Mass Spectrometry Section
Materials Chemistry & Metal Fuel Cycle Group
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR)
Kalpakkam, India
Dr. Kothandaraman. R
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, India
Prof. Helen P. Kavitha
Head-Department of Chemistry
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Ramapuram Campus, Chennai-89