Online Workshop on Low Level Multispectral Palmprint Image Fusion

Online Workshop on Low Level Multispectral Palmprint Image Fusion Topic : Low Level Multispectral Palmprint Image Fusion Resource person : Dr.R.Gayathri, Associate Professor, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sri Perumbudur, Chennai Date : February 24th, 2021 Time : 11am-12pm Mode : Online (Google meet) CLICK HERE TO REGISTERCLICK HERE TO JOIN In this regard, we request your…

Guest Lecture on Impact of technology on Human’s Life

Guest Lecture on Impact of technology on Human’s Life The Department of ECE is organizing a Guest Lecture event on 05.03.2021.Mr.Gitesh Kumar, Co-Founder of Hawaidda Aerial innovations Pvt Ltd and President at Indian Flying Community  will be delivering a lecture on the topic “Impact of technology on Human’s Life”. The program duration is from 11.00…

Online workshop on topic titled Smart Wearable Technology

Online workshop on topic titled Smart Wearable Technology The  IE(I) Technical Society of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department organised an Online workshop on topic titled Smart Wearable Technology on 17.11.2020. The event took place online from 3.30 PM to 4.30 PM . The session was handled by Resource person Dr Kalyani Anil Bhole, College of Engineering,…

Online workshop on topic titled ‘MSP430 – Peripherals and Programming’

 Online workshop on topic titled ‘MSP430 – Peripherals and Programming’ The  IE(I) Technical Society of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department organised an Online workshop on topic titled ‘MSP430 – Peripherals and Programming’ on 09.10.2020. The event took place online from  4.00 PM to 6.00 PM . The session was handled by Resource person Mr. Shridhar.S.Dudam, Founder…

Online Guest lecture on topic titled High Speed Interconnection Digital Technology

Online Guest lecture on topic titled High Speed Interconnection Digital Technology The Electronics and Communication Engineering Department organised an Online Guest lecture on topic titled High Speed Interconnection Digital Technology on 06.10.2020. The event took place online from 2.00 PM to 3.30 PM. The session was handled by Resource person Ms. Jebaselvi Johnson, Proprietor, Primesoc…

Webinar on IPR on 20 May 2020

ECE department in association with IETE Students forum organized a Webinar on IPR on   20 May 2020. The webinar was delivered by Dr.J.Deny, IEDC Co-ordinator, Kasalingam University  Session was organised by Dr.D.Manoj Kumar, IETE Student co-ordinator The event focuses on IPR which is important for the economy and for its further growth in areas such as research, innovation and…

Webinar on biomedical applications

Date: 27/05/2020 Name of the event:Webinar on biomedical applications About the event: To encourage the Students to learn the application of engineering techniques and analyses for problem solving in medicine and biomedical sciences. Various key features of Biomedical Engineering, Scope and Recent Research Trends in Biomedical Engineering and its Applications were discussed. Session was interactive…