CHEMISPHERE PREPARATION METHODS AND DEPOSITION TECHNIQUES OF NANOSTRUCTURES The Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology-Ramapuram campus conducted a Webinar on 10th February 2020 between 2- 4pm through zoom platform.   Dr.R.Jayavel, Professor, Crystal Growth Centre Coordinator, Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Anna University delivered the lecture on “Preparation methods and deposition techniques…


Name of the Program: National Science Day Date: 26.02.2021 Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 NOON Organized by Department of Chemistry Chief Guest: Dr. Raakhi Gupta, Rector and Registrar, IIS University, Jaipur The Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science Technology, Ramapuram Campus organized “National Science Day-2021” on 26th February 2021. The Chief Guest Dr. Raakhi…


CHEMISTRY RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM Organizes  Webinar on HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS AND THEIR NANOCOMPOSITES The Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology-Ramapuram Campus conducted a Webinar on 17th February 2021 between 2-4pm through zoom platform. Dr.M.Sarojadevi, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Anna University, Chennai gave a briefing on HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS AND THEIR NANOCOMPOSITS. Research Scholars, students…

Webinar on “Evolving Research Methodologies” on 03.02.2021

Webinar on “Evolving Research Methodologies” on 03.02.2021 Department of Chemistry, SRMIST, Ramapuram Campus. Chemistry Research Colloquium organizes webinar on “EVOLVING RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES” on 03.02.2021, Wednesday, 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm through ZOOM platform. Resource Person: Prof. Mangala Sunder Krishnan Professor & Head, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras CLICK HERE TO JOIN Meeting…

Two Days Webinar On Organic Synthesis

TWO DAYS WEBINAR ON ORGANIC SYNTHESIS The Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology-Ramapuram campus organized the Two Days Webinar on “Organic Synthesis” in association with, Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), Mumbai and Government General Degree College, Singur, West Bengal on 12th December and 13th December 2020 on the Zoom meeting platform. Research scholars…

National Chemistry Day 2020

NATIONAL CHEMISTRY DAY 2020 The National Chemistry Day 2020 was celebrated in the Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 10th December 2020 through Zoom meeting platform. In connection with this programme, we arranged a special lecture on “Student Perception About Chemistry ” by  Dr. Prabodh Chobe, Former Senior General Manager, Head…

An Online Webinar Series On Frontiers In Nanotechnology

AN ONLINE WEBINAR SERIES ON FRONTIERS IN NANOTECHNOLOGY The Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram campus organized an Online Webinar Series  on FRONTIERS IN NANOTECHNOLOGY from 27.08.2020 to 29.08.2020. Beneficiaries are Faculty members, Research Scholars, UG & PG Students. Diploma and Higher secondary students from various Schools and Colleges.Certificates were distributed to…

An Online Lecture On Laboratory Safety Practices

AN ONLINE LECTURE ON LABORATORY SAFETY PRACTICES The Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram campus organized an online Lecture on LABORATORY SAFETY PRACTICES during 19.08.2020. The Lecture was given by Dr.Bhaskar Idage, Ex-Scientist, Polymer Science and Engineering Division, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, PUNE. Beneficiaries are Faculty members, Research Scholars, UG & PG…