Book Review 2023 – 2024

SRM Institute of Science and Technology Faculty of Engineering and Technology Ramapuram, Chennai-600 089 Department of English and Other Foreign Languages LITERARY CLUB- BOOK REVIEW EVENT REPORT: Department of English and Other Foreign Languages,SRMIST,Ramapuram,under the banner of Literary Club, organized  book review on 26.8.2023 in the High Tech Hall 1 at 2:00 p.m. The programme…

Induction Program for the EFL Clubs

SRM Institute of Science and Technology College of Engineering and Technology Ramapuram, Chennai – 600 089 Department of English and Foreign Languages Event report Department of English and Foreign Languages of SRMIST, Ramapuram, conducted the induction program for the EFL clubs – literary club, foreign language club and quiz club for the year 2023-2024, on…

Hands-On Workshop on “Mastering Advanced RF Measurement Equipment” under  AICTE

DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING “Hands-On Workshop on “Mastering Advanced RF Measurement Equipment”  under  AICTE – Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence Aspirational (MODROB- ASP) scheme -Advanced Communication Laboratory Date                          :  21.09.2023 Timing                      : 9.30 AM – 1.30 PM    Resource person       : Mr. Rex Vijay Kumar – Manager Mr. R.Jagdheesan. Asst. Maganer Mr. L.Vignesh…


SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai, Department of Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in CSBS organizes  Guest Lecture on  AWARENESS ON STARTUPS Resource Person Dr. J. Thamil Selvi, Professor,Department of ECE, Sri Sairam Engineering College and Founder & CEO, Smile Healthcare Technologies, Chennai. Date: 22-09-2023 Time :10:00am  to 12:00pm Venue:Gallery Hall-I Target…

One-day Workshop ON UNITY WITH AR & VR

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai, Department of Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Gaming Technology organizes One day Workshop ON UNITY WITH AR & VR Resource PersonMr. Ashok Kumar ManisekaranEntrepreneur, Developer/Trainer, Praya Labs  Date: 21st September 2023 Timing: 8.00am to 4.00pm Venue: MLCP LabConvenerDr. K. Raja, HOD/CSE  Co-ConvenerDr. Lilly Sheeba S, Dy. HOD-CSE (CC & GT)  Faculty…

Onam Celebrations 2023

The Campus Life, College of Engineering and Technology, SRMIST Ramapuram celebrated the Onam Celebrations on 02.09.2023.  Right after the decorations are done routine rituals are followed for lighting the Kuthuvizhaku followed by Kerala Chenda Melam drum beats.  The programme was inaugurated with lighting the kuthuvilakku by Respected Dean(E&T), Associate Director, Dean (Campus Life) and Overall…


Event Title: Spectacular (Saturday Events) Date:9th September 2023  Organizing committee: Campus life, College of Engineering and Technology No. of Participants: 170 Description of the Event/Objective: An event at which anyone is allowed to sing, dance, performing music and standup comedy etc. on stage. As a part of campus life, Spectacular conducted in Block-V, Gallery Hall-III…