
  • Pathology & Microbiology Laboratory
  • Biomedical Sensors Laboratory
  • Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory
  • Biomaterials and Tissue Interaction Laboratory
  • Biomedical Signal and Image Processing lab

Biomedical Sensors Laboratory

The purpose of learning this course is to know the basics of the measurement systems, working principles of temperature transducers, pressure transducers, optical transducers, smart sensors, etc.

Biomedical Signal and Image Processing Laboratory

  • Signal: Understand the basic of signal processing techniques, IIR filter design, FIR design, various signal processing algorithms in ECG, Heart rate variability analysis

Pathology & Microbiology Laboratory

To learn and understand the structural and functional aspects of living organisms, cellular response during pathogenesis, identification and enumeration of blood cells, Differential Leukocyte Count, Peripheral blood smear test, Diagnosis of aerobic bacteria by RPR test, Fungal pathogen detection by lactophenol cotton blue and analysis of various tissue processing techniques

Medical Instrumentation laboratory

The purpose of learning this course is to understand the basic function of physiological system and basic instrument for picking up biological signals, get an idea about various blood pressure and blood flow measurement techniques, respiratory system, identification of various instruments used for the therapeutic and patient safety. Real time ECG, EEG, EMG monitoring, Measurement of cardiac output, heart rate, respiration rate and Pulmonary analysis using spirometer.

Smart Class Rooms

With respect to the conscious effort to provide the benefits of modern technology directly to the students. In campus almost all the classrooms are wellequipped with the latest technology and integrated Thin client SMART board (Special Media and Responsive Technology).  These rooms include a standard PC server/Media Lectern, projector, touch screen, speakers, amplifier, microphone, and source switch control system. Our faculties are well-equipped and trained to use this new technology and deliver their lectures in the best method available.

This Smart Board is an interactive whiteboard that uses touch detection for user input in the same way as normal PC input devices. The Smart Board 800 series interactive whiteboard introduced a ‘flick and scroll’ feature.