Date: 6-7-2020 to 10-7-2020
Time: Forenoon session at 10:00AM to 11:00 AM
Participants: Faculty Members and Research Scholars
With the consent and relentless support of Dr. N. Kannan, HOD, Department of CSE, the 5-Days Online Faculty Development Programme on “Fascinating Python Applications in Real-World And NVMe Storage Introduction” in association with Brain Child Technologies LLP was conducted for the Faculty Members and Research Scholars fraternity of ours and other institutions across the country.
The event began with the note of welcome followed by the presidential address by the Head of the Department, Dr. N. Kannan. He welcomed and motivated all the participants to make use of this 5 days session for their career growth. He welcomed the guest speaker of Day-1 session for his support in sharing his IT knowledge to make use of it by the participants in the Research area of Data Science with python.
Report for five days
Day-1: Data Science with python
Resource Person:
Mr. Prithvi Raj, Technical Lead.
Topics Covered:
The session started with the basic definition of Data Science and its wide variety of applications using python. Further topics covered as follows,
- Data Analysis
- Data Visualization
- Web scraping
- Natural Language Processing
- Data wrangling and data exploration
Day-2: Internet of Things(IoT)
Resource Person:
Mr. Anil, Software Engineer
Topics Covered:
The session started with the basic of Internet of Things(IoT). Further topics covered are as follows,
- Internet of Things(IoT): Introduction
- Architecture, Implementation, IoT Standards and Protocols
- IoT Supported Devices, Future of IoT
Day-3: NVMe, NVMe-over-Fabric
Resource Person:
Ms. Sowndarya, Senior Software Engineer
Topics Covered:
The session started with the basic explanation of NVMe new and innovative method of accessing storage media. Further topics covered are as follows,
- NVMe over fabric
- Two types of fabric transports for NVMe
- NVMe over Fabrics Technical Characteristics
- Differences between local NVMe and NVMe over Fabrics
- NVMe Transport Mapping
Day-4: Why Python is Good for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Resource Person:
Ms. Riswana , Technical Lead
Topics Covered:
The session started with the basics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Further topics covered are as follows,
- Keras, TensorFlow, and Scikit-learn for AI
- NumPy for superior logical registering and information examination
- SciPy for cutting edge figuring
- Pandas for broadly useful information examination
- Seaborn for information perception
Day-5: API through Python
Resource Persons:
Mr. Pravin, Software Engineer and Mr. B. Babu, Technical Manager
Topics Covered:
The session started with the evolution of Industry versions. Further topics covered are as follows,
- How APIs work?
- what is API, why do we need API?
- API testing tools- POSTMAN
- API through Python
The participants were happy and satisfied as their expectation on grasping the peculiar insights in python applications and NVMe storage was fulfilled. The queries raised by the participants were clarified by the speaker. The participants gave commendable feedback about the event. Finally, the event was concluded by Mrs. R. Angeline and Mrs. A. Praveena with a thanks giving talk to the speaker for giving a wonderful session. Also coordinators expressed the gratitude to Management, Director, Dean, Hod and participants.
FDP Convener
Dr. N.Kannan, HoD/CSE
Faculty Coordinators
Mrs. R. Angeline
Mrs. A. Praveena